Упражнения: Present Simple vs Past Simple

Простое настоящее и прошедшее времена

Заполните пропуски подходящими формами глаголов в Present Simple или Past Simple. В некоторых случаях может потребоваться вспомогательный глагол
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb in either the Present Simple or Past Simple tense.
Some verbs may require an auxiliary verb (e.g., do, does, did)

John as a manager in the company.

  1. Sarah arrived at the office early yesterday.
  2. We have a team meeting every Monday.
  3. The company offers flexible working hours to its employees.
  4. Last week, they interviewed several candidates for the position.
  5. Mark did not attend the training session yesterday.
  6. How often do you check your emails during the day?
  7. The team finished the project ahead of schedule.
  8. My colleague received a promotion last month.
  9. The company provides excellent benefits to its employees.
  10. Yesterday, I sent an important report to my boss.
Заполните пропуски подходящими формами глаголов в Present Simple или Past Simple. В некоторых случаях может потребоваться вспомогательный глагол
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb in either the Present Simple or Past Simple tense.
Some verbs may require an auxiliary verb (e.g., do, does, did)

John as a manager in the company.

  1. Jane lived in London for five years before she moved to New York.
  2. Every morning, Tom wakes up at 7 a.m. and makes himself a cup of coffee.
  3. Last summer, we went on a road trip across the country.
  4. The company launched a new product last month, and it received positive reviews from customers.
  5. Sarah studied French in high school, but she forgot most of it over the years.
  6. My parents visited us last weekend, and we had a wonderful time together.
  7. The train leaves the station at 9 a.m. every day.
  8. Mark worked as a teacher for ten years before he decided to change careers.
  9. I usually read a book before going to bed.
  10. Yesterday, I met an old friend for lunch.
Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные варианты ответов
(Read the following text and choose the correct options)

John works in a big office. He starts started work at 9:00 a.m. and finished finishes at 5:00 p.m. Every day, he checks checked his emails and responded responds to them. He also attends attended meetings with his colleagues. Last week, he had has an important presentation. He prepares prepared for it and deliveres delivered it successfully. He received receives positive feedback from his boss. John enjoys enjoyed his job and found finds it challenging.

Выеберите подходящую форму глагола на месте каждого пропуска
(Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb form)
  1. Sarah arrives arrived at the office every morning at 8 a.m.
  2. Last week, Peter sends sent an important email to the client.
  3. Our team meets met every Monday to discuss project updates.
  4. Yesterday, John works worked late to finish the report.
  5. The receptionist answers answered phone calls throughout the day.
  6. On Fridays, we usually have had a team meeting in the afternoon.
  7. Tina organizes organized the files last week.
  8. The IT department solves solved technical issues promptly.
  9. Mark attends attended a conference last month.
  10. Every day, the manager reviews reviewed the progress of the team.
Заполните пропуски в диалогах, используя подходящие формы предложенных глаголов
(Complete each dialogue by filling in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb)
  1. Tom: How do you get to work every day?

    John: I usually take the bus. Yesterday, I drove my car because it was raining heavily.

  2. Sara: What does your brother do for a living?

    Kate: He works as a software engineer. Last year, he started his own company.

  3. Alex: Why are you looking so tired today?

    Emily: I worked late last night to finish a project. I always stay late when I have deadlines.

  4. Mark: How often do you have team meetings?

    Sarah: We have them every Monday. Last week, we canceled the meeting because the manager was on vacation.

  5. David: What do you do after work usually?

    Emma: I go to the gym and exercise for an hour. Yesterday, I met some friends for dinner.

Соедините части предложений (Match the parts to make sentences) SSB1c3VhbGx5 cGxheSBmb290YmFsbCBvbiBTYXR1cmRheXMu TGFzdCBuaWdodCwgdGhleQ== d2VudCB0byB0aGUgY2luZW1hIHRvZ2V0aGVyLg== U2hlIGFsd2F5cw== cmVhZHMgYSBib29rIGJlZm9yZSBiZWQu V2Ugb2Z0ZW4= dmlzaXQgb3VyIGdyYW5kcGFyZW50cy4= WWVzdGVyZGF5LCBoZQ== Ym91Z2h0IGEgbmV3IGNhci4=
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски подходящими формами предложенных глаголов
(Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the given words)

My name is Mark, and I live in a small town called Oakville. I work as a teacher at Oakville Elementary School. Every morning, I wake up at 7:00 am and have a cup of coffee before going to work. Yesterday, after school, I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. In the evenings, I usually watch TV or read a book. Last week, I visited my parents who live in the countryside. They have a beautiful garden.

Заполните пропуски подходящими формами предложенных глаголов
(Complete each sentence using the appropriate form of the verb)
  1. Julia reads a book every night. Yesterday, she read a mystery novel.
  2. They play soccer on weekends. Last week, they played against a professional team.
  3. The sun rises in the east every morning. Yesterday, it rose a few minutes earlier than usual.
  4. We usually go to the movies on Fridays. Last Friday, we went to see the latest action film.
  5. My sister cooks dinner every evening. Last night, she cooked a delicious pasta dish.
Заполните пропуски подходящими формами предложенных глаголов
(Complete each sentence using the appropriate form of the verb)

My name is Sarah, and I work at ABC Company. I working here two years ago as a receptionist, and now I as a project coordinator. In my role, I meetings and with clients regularly.

Yesterday, something funny at the office. My colleague, Mark, accidentally coffee on his computer! We all a lot. Fortunately, the IT department his computer quickly, and Mark working.

I enjoy my job and forward to coming to the office every day.

Заполните пропуски подходящей глагольной формой
(Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb form)
  1. Last week, Mark attended a conference on leadership.
  2. The office manager arrives early every day.
  3. Did you enjoy the company retreat last year?
  4. Our team meets every Monday to discuss new projects.
  5. Tina finished her tasks before the deadline.
  6. How often do you visit the head office?
  7. The CEO announced a new initiative yesterday.
  8. My colleagues and I take turns organizing team-building activities.
  9. Did she work in this department before she got promoted? (negative form)
  10. Our company provides flexible working hours.
Выберите грамматически верное предложение в каждой паре
(Choose the correct sentence in each pair)

Pair #1

They wrote the report yesterday. They writed the report yesterday.

Pair #2

He usually takes a lunch break at 12 p.m. He usually take a lunch break at 12 p.m.

Pair #3

Last week, I went to three meetings. Last week, I goes to three meetings.

Pair #4

We have a team meeting every Monday. We has a team meeting every Monday.

Pair #5

Sarah and Jack worked on a project last week. Sarah and Jack work on a project last week.

Pair #6

The company gave me a raise last month. The company gives me a raise last month.
Выберите грамматически верное предложение в каждой паре. (Choose the correct sentence in each pair)

Pair #1

He always arrives on time for work. He always arrive on time for work.

Pair #2

Yesterday, we had a productive brainstorming session. Yesterday, we have a productive brainstorming session.

Pair #3

The manager interviewed several candidates last week. The manager interviews several candidates last week.

Pair #4

I usually finish my tasks before the deadline. I usually finished my tasks before the deadline.

Pair #5

She answered all the phone calls yesterday. She answers all the phone calls yesterday.

Pair #6

The company hired a new employee last week. The company hires a new employee last week.
Прочитайте диалог и заполните пропуски
(Read the dialogue and fill in the missing words)

Tom: Hey, Lisa! How was your day at work today?

Lisa: It was great, Tom! I had a productive day and finished all my tasks on time.

Tom: That's fantastic! Did you havedid you have any meetings?

Lisa: Yes, I attended a couple of meetings in the morning, but they didn't takedid not take too long.

Tom: Did you talkdid you talk to your boss about the project?

Lisa: Yes, I spoke to her earlier. She seemed happy with the progress we're making.

Tom: That's good to hear. By the way, did you work late yesterday?

Lisa: No, I didn't workdid not work late. I left the office at the usual time.

Прочитайте диалог и заполните пропуски
(Read the dialogue and fill in the missing words)

Tom: Hey, Emily! How was your weekend?

Emily: Hi, Tom! It was great. I went hiking with my friends. enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

Tom: That sounds wonderful! I visited my parents over the weekend. They live in the countryside.

Emily: Oh, really? How often do you visit them?

Tom: I visit them once a month. It's always nice to spend time with them.

Emily: I agree. By the way, do you like hiking too?

Tom: Yes, I do. I often go hiking with my friends on weekends.

Emily: That's great! We should plan a hike together sometime.

Tom: Definitely! I'd love to. Let's arrange it soon.

Заполните пропуски, используя предложенные глаголы
(Use the verbs in the box to complete the sentences)
gowentplayplayedwakes upwoke uphavehadarrivesarrived
  1. I to the gym every day. Yesterday, I for a run instead.
  2. They soccer on Sundays. Last weekend, they basketball.
  3. He usually at 7 a.m. Yesterday, he late at 9 a.m.
  4. We dinner together every evening. Last night, we pizza for dinner.
  5. The train at 9 a.m. every day. Yesterday, the train 10 minutes late.

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.
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