Упражнения на безличные предложения в английском языке

Безличные предложения

Разделите следующие безличные предложения на три группы
Divide the following impersonal sentences into three groups
It's frightening to walk in the forest at night. It feels warm when the sun is shining. It's lonely at the top. It smells like spring. It's exhilarating to ski downhill. It gets dark early in winter. It sounds like thunder. It's hard to believe that it's already summer. It's amazing to see the stars on a clear night. It feels cold when it snows. It seems like this road goes on forever. It's sad when holidays come to an end. It's surprising how quickly time passes. It hurts when I laugh. It's incredible how much we've learned. Emotional States Physical Sensations General Observations
Напишите ответы, используя подсказки (Write the answers using the cues)

— How long does it take you to walk to school?


  1. — How long will it take them to travel around the world?

    It'll take them one year to travel around the world It will take them one year to travel around the world It'll take them 1 year to travel around the world It will take them 1 year to travel around the world .

  2. — How long did it take him to learn to play the guitar?

    It took him two years to learn to play the guitar It took him 2 years to learn to play the guitar .

  3. — How long does it take him to clean his room?

    It takes him 45 minutes to clean his room It takes him forty-five minutes to clean his room .

  4. — How long did it take us to hike that mountain?

    It took us 5 hours to hike that mountain It took us five hours to hike that mountain .

  5. — How long will it take her to finish this book?

    It'll take her one month to finish this book It will take her one month to finish this book It'll take her 1 month to finish this book It will take her 1 month to finish this book .

Преобразуйте предложения в Past Simple (Convert the following sentences into Past Simple)
  1. It's a shame she doesn't understand the task.

    It was a shame she didn't understand the task It was a shame she did not understand the task .

  2. It looks like they're ready for the trip.

    It looked like they were ready for the trip .

  3. It's going to be sunny.

    It was going to be sunny .

  4. It doesn't take long to cook dinner.

    It didn't take long to cook dinner It did not take long to cook dinner .

  5. It's not close from here to the beach.

    It wasn't close from here to the beach It was not close from here to the beach .

Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
Put the words into the correct order
It is often said that actions speak louder than words. One can only hope for the best in uncertain situations. It is important to eat a balanced diet for maintaining good health. It is considered impolite to speak with your mouth full.
Сделайте безличные предложения отрицательными
Rewrite the following impersonal sentences in the negative form
  1. It was a long journey.

    It wasn't a long journey It was not a long journey .

  2. It was a sunny day last week.

    It wasn't a sunny day last week It was not a sunny day last week .

  3. It is essential to complete the assignment.

    It isn't essential to complete the assignment It is not essential to complete the assignment .

  4. It is a fast car.

    It isn't a fast car It is not a fast car .

  5. It was easy to find her in the crowd.

    It wasn't easy to find her in the crowd It was not easy to find her in the crowd .

  6. It was fascinating to watch the documentary.

    It wasn't fascinating to watch the documentary It was not fascinating to watch the documentary .

  7. It is thrilling to ride the roller coaster.

    It isn't thrilling to ride the roller coaster It is not thrilling to ride the roller coaster .

  8. It was a successful meeting.

    It wasn't a successful meeting It was not a successful meeting .

Перепишите предложения в Future Simple
Convert the sentences into Future Simple
  1. It's sunny at 10.

    It will be sunny at 10 It'll be sunny at 10 .

  2. It's rude to interrupt her.

    It will be rude to interrupt her It'll be rude to interrupt her .

  3. It's too early to send her a message.

    It will be too early to send her a message It'll be too early to send her a message .

  4. It's important to water the plants.

    It will be important to water the plants It'll be important to water the plants .

  5. It's not hard to solve the equation.

    It will not be hard to solve the equation It won't be hard to solve the equation .

  6. It's not risky to invest in this.

    It will not be risky to invest in this It won't be risky to invest in this .

  7. It's not a big fault to think like that.

    It will not be a big fault to think like that It won't be a big fault to think like that .

  8. It's not right to arrive unprepared.

    It will not be right to arrive unprepared It won't be right to arrive unprepared .

Посмотрите на изображения и выберите верные ответы
Look at the pictures and choose the correct options
  1. There is There isn't There are There aren't a TV above the teacher's desk in picture 1.
  2. There is There isn't There are There aren't any books in the bookcase in picture 2.
  3. There is There isn't There are There aren't a table with a laptop in both pictures.
  4. There is There isn't There are There aren't a clock above the blackboard in picture 2.
  5. There is There isn't There are There aren't some chalk in both pictures.
  6. There is There isn't There are There aren't some geometrical shapes in the bookcase in picture 2.
  7. There is There isn't There are There aren't no students' desks in both pictures.
  8. There is There isn't There are There aren't something written on the blackboard in picture 2.
  9. There is There isn't There are There aren't three lamps on the ceiling in both pictures.
  10. There is There isn't There are There aren't any geometrical shapes in picture 1.
Заполните пропуски (Complete the sentences) There is Are there There are there isn't are there there're There aren't Is there there is is there
  1. some modern furniture in our house.
  2. any students in the classroom?
  3. too many people in the room, so enough space for everyone.
  4. A: How many books on the shelf?

    B: I think, 10 books.

  5. any pictures on the wall.
  6. A: a computer on the table?

    B: Yes, .

  7. What above the table?
Расставьте слова по порядку, чтобы получились вопросы
Order the words to make questions
What furniture is there in the classroom


How many chairs are there in the classroom


What objects are there in the bookcase


What is there on the wall opposite the desk


What is there on the blackboard


How many clocks are there above the blackboard


Перепишите предложения, используя безличные выражения
Rewrite the following sentences using the impersonal expressions

Most people think that learning a new language is beneficial. — It is thought that learning a new language is beneficial.

  1. It is thought It's thought that climate change is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.
  2. It is expected It's expected that the new government policies will lead to economic growth.
  3. It is understood It's understood that you're not happy with the current arrangement.
  4. It is known It's known that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
  5. It is believed It's believed that the CEO will be retiring at the end of the year.
Соедините вопросы и ответы
Match the questions to their answers
SG93J3MgdGhlIHRlbXBlcmF0dXJlIHJpZ2h0IG5vdz8= SXQncyAyNSBkZWdyZWVzIENlbHNpdXMu V2h5IGRvbid0IHlvdSBnbyBvdXRzaWRlPw== SXQncyByYWluaW5nLg== V2hhdCdzIHRoZSBjdXJyZW50IHRpbWUgaW4gTmV3IFlvcms/ SXQncyB0d28gaW4gdGhlIGFmdGVybm9vbi4= V2hhdCBkYXRlIGlzIGl0IHRvZGF5Pw== SXQncyB0aGUgMTl0aCBvZiBKdW5lLg== SG93IGxvbmcgd2lsbCBpdCB0YWtlIHRvIGRyaXZlIHRvIExvcyBBbmdlbGVzPw== SXQncyBhYm91dCBzaXggaG91cnMu
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)
  1. I can't believe it's its there's there are already September!
  2. There's It's There are It is no apples left in the basket.
  3. I was late because there was it was there were traffic.
  4. There is There are It is ten chapters in this novel.
  5. Is it It is Is there There is any bread in the pantry?
  6. How many students are there is it it is there are in your class?
  7. There is It is There are three dogs playing in the park.
  8. How long does it there take you to drive to work?
Соедините части предложений (Match the parts of the sentences) T25lIHNob3VsZG4ndCB1bmRlcmVzdGltYXRl dGhlIHBvd2VyIG9mIGEgZ29vZCBib29rLg== SWYgb25lIHdhbnRzIHRvIHN0YXkgaGVhbHRoeSw= b25lIHNob3VsZCBleGVyY2lzZSByZWd1bGFybHku T25lIGNhbid0IGV4cGVjdCB0byBleGNlbA== d2l0aG91dCBwdXR0aW5nIGluIHRoZSBlZmZvcnQu T25lIG11c3QgcmVtZW1iZXI= dG8gYXBwcmVjaWF0ZSB0aGUgc21hbGwgdGhpbmdzIGluIGxpZmUu SWYgb25lIGlzIGludGVyZXN0ZWQgaW4gYXJ0LA== b25lIHNob3VsZCB2aXNpdCB0aGUgbG9jYWwgbXVzZXVtLg==
Заполните пропуски словами из списка
Complete the sentences with the words from the list
It's impolite it's hard it's the middle wasn't there It's intriguing It rained Is there It took me
  1. to read the new detective novel. Usually to guess who committed the crime until one finishes reading the book.
  2. to ask a stranger so many questions. anyone else who can help you?
  3. a lot last fall, but now of September and it's still dry.
  4. forty minutes to get to the university and my English professor .
Соедините части предложений
Match the parts of the sentences
SXQgaXMgZGlmZmljdWx0IGZvciBtZQ== dG8gY2xpbWIgdGhlIHN0ZWVwIHN0YWlycy4= SXQgaXMgaW1wb3NzaWJsZQ== dG8gcmVhZCA1MDAtcGFnZSBib29rIGluIGFuIGhvdXIu SXQgaXMgdG9vIGxhdGU= dG8gc3RhcnQgYSBuZXcgdGFzay4= SXQgaXMgdG9vIGVhcmx5 dG8gY2VsZWJyYXRlIHZpY3Rvcnku


12 апреля 2023
Учусь в Skyeng уже полгода, в последнее время стала довольно быстро расправляться с домашками, так что раздел с бесплатными заданиями очень помогает не скучать между уроками. Занимаюсь английским практически каждый день.
01 мая 2023
Спасибо за бесплатные задания. Кажется, у меня наконец получилось разобраться, в чем разница между прошедшими временами. Мучился с этой темой еще со школы.
15 апреля 2023
Удобно, что можно делать упражнения с телефона, помогает скоротать время в дороге, да еще и с пользой.

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Ответы на частые вопросы

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  • Это бесплатные упражнения?

    Да, все упражнения в этом разделе бесплатны.
  • Как выполнять упражнения?

    В этом разделе мы собрали интерактивные задания с разными механиками выполнения, поэтому ориентируйтесь на инструкции, которые приведены в начале каждого упражнения.
  • Сколько времени нужно уделять упражнениям, чтобы получить результат?

    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.
  • Я изучаю английский совсем недавно. Подойдут ли мне упражнения?

    Да, в этом разделе вы найдете задания для всех уровней английского языка, от начинающего до продвинутого.
  • Как мне узнать свой уровень английского?

    Вы можете узнать свой уровень английского за 15 минут, пройдя наш интерактивный тест. В конце вас ждут приятные подарки.