Упражнения: Weather, seasons

Погода и времена года

Match the sentences about the same situations

SSBkb24ndCBmZWVsIHdlbGwgYWZ0ZXIgc3BlbmRpbmcgc29tZSB0aW1lIHVuZGVyIHRoZSBob3Qgc3VuLiA= SSBnb3Qgc3Vuc3Ryb2tlLg== SSBmZWVsIHZlcnkgY29sZC4= SSdtIGZyZWV6aW5nIQ== SXQgd2FzIHJhaW5pbmcsIGFuZCBJIGRpZG4ndCBoYXZlIGFuIHVtYnJlbGxhLg== SSBnb3Qgd2V0Lg== VGhlcmUncyBpY2Ugb24gdGhlIHJvYWQu SSBzbGlwcGVkIGFuZCBmZWxsIGRvd24gdHdpY2Uu SSBmZWVsIGlsbCBhZnRlciBzcGVuZGluZyBzb21lIHRpbWUgaW4gdGhlIGNvbGQgcmFpbi4= SSd2ZSBjYXVnaHQgYSBjb2xkLg== SXQncyB2ZXJ5IGhvdCwgYW5kIEkgZG9uJ3QgZmVlbCBjb21mb3J0YWJsZS4= SXQncyBib2lsaW5nIGhvdC4=

Let's see if the next task is a breeze for you. Complete the idioms in the texts with the correct words.

Complete the texts with the words from the box icebreezecloudthunderwindcatsdogsweatherfair-weatherrain

Last Tuesday, I attended a conference. I intended to find some new partners for my company so during the break I started small talk with some participants. I managed to break the although it's usually not a for me — I never know what to say. We were having a pleasant conversation, and I was so proud of myself. I was on nine! But then a manager from a rival company intervened and stole my . How unfair! The only good thing about it is that I got of his company's plans. That can be useful for us.

Yesterday I left my umbrella at home. Of course, it started raining and ! I was soaked when I got home. A hot cup of tea and a hot shower didn't help, and today I feel under the . I asked my friend to do the groceries for me, but he made a stupid excuse saying that he's busy. He's just a friend, I always knew that. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll be right as and a bit wiser. I won't trust such people and will always remember to take my umbrella with me.

Photo 2 by LanKogal on Shutterstock Photo 3 by BRO.vector on Shutterstock

Fill in the missing phrases

It's rainingIt's cloudy and windyIt's snowingIt's foggyIt's sunny

Look! . Let's ask them to call a taxi for us.

. It might also rain. Let's take an umbrella.

. We can invite our partners to ski at the weekend.

. It's not the best day to go sightseeing.

. We can have a business lunch in a terrace cafe.


Photo 1 by topntp26 on Freepik, CC0

Photo 2 by bonnontawat on Freepik, CC0

Photo 3 by jannoon028 on Freepik, CC0

Photo 4 by foxys on Freepik, CC0

Photo 5 by kstudio on Freepik, CC0

Complete the definitions with the missing phrases

mild climate weather forecast changeable weather

— climate with no extreme temperatures

— a report on future weather conditions

— weather which changes often


Photo 1 by onlyyouqj on Freepik, CC0

Photo 2 by macrovector on Freepik, CC0

Photo 3 by 108motiongraphic on Freepik, CC0

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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