Упражнения: Present Continuous (Progressive)

Настоящее длительное время

John is at the office now! Let's see what he and his colleagues are doing.

Заполните пропуски верными словосочетаниями
(Complete the sentences with the correct phrases)
I am writing a letter. No, I am not. I am reading the news. I am going to the cafe. I am talking to my wife. No, I am not. I am drinking coffee. Yes, I am.

— John, what are you doing?

— Ella, are you listening to me?

— Steve, where are you going?

— Mike, who are you talking to?

— John, are you eating?

— Steve, are you reading?

Выберите правильные варианты
(Choose the correct options)
  1. Ella is not reading is not read not reading a book at the moment.
  2. Mike and Steve is going going are going to the cafe.
  3. We are not not arn't doing housework.
  4. I am wearing wearing am wear a coat now.
  5. John am not playing not playing is not playing football now.
  6. Lola and Mike are walking are walk is walking in the park now. 
  7. We are like are liking like her new dress. 
  8. It is cold outside and it rain raining is raining .

It's time to relax! Let's see what our heroes are doing.

Заполните пропуски словами из списка в Present Continuous
(Complete the sentences with the words from the list in Present Continuous)

cook have talk have drink sing

Mike and Lola are having a party. All their friends are here. John is talking to Lola. Steve is drinking lemonade. Mike is cooking sandwiches. Ella is singing songs. Everybody is having fun.

Заполните пропуски корректными формами Present Continuous
(Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of Present Continuous)
  1. The sun is shining 's shining outside.
  2. We are not walking aren't walking in the garden. It is raining now. 
  3. Steve is not reading isn't reading a book. He is reading a newspaper.
  4. John is telling 's telling Ella about his day.
  5. Steve is going 's going to the theatre. 
  6. I am doing 'm doing the homework now.

Вычеркните неправильные варианты в предложениях
(Cross out the wrong options in the sentences)
I am going to go are going to the cinema.
  1. Steve is laughing laughing am laughing at my jokes.
  2. We writing are writing are write a story.
  3. They not working are not working working in the office now.
  4. Lola is helping helping are helping her husband now.
  5. John dancing are dance is dancing in the nightclub.
  6. I am cooking is cooking cooking dinner for my family.
Исправьте ошибки в предложениях
(Correct the mistakes in the sentences)
  1. We are watching the TV.
  2. I am talking 'm talking on the phone with my mum.
  3. Steve and John are having fun now.
  4. Lola is helping 's helping her friend.
  5. I am wearing 'm wearing a coat.
  6. I am not working 'm not working at the moment.

Выберите правильное предложение в каждой паре
(Choose the correct sentence in each pair)

Pair #1

I'm watching TV now. I am watch TV now.

Pair #2

It is snowing at the moment. It snowing at the moment.

Pair #3

What are you do in my room? What are you doing in my room?

Pair #4

She isn't talking to her friend. She not talking to her friend.

Pair #5

Why you are going by bus? Why are you going by bus?

Pair #6

She is not helping her husband. She are not helping her husband.

Pair #7

They watering the flowers at the moment. They are watering the flowers at the moment.

Pair #8

Mike is does sports now. Mike is doing sports now.
Соберите предложения из частей
(Put the elements into the gaps to make sentences)
I am eating pizza in the kitchen.


What are you doing ?


Mary is not playing video games.


Mike and Sara are watching YouTube together.


We are studying English at the moment.


Are you talking on the phone ?


Вычеркните ошибочные слова в каждом предложении и впишите правильные варианты
(Cross out the mistake in each sentence and type the correct word)

1. Are she playing the guitar in her room? Is .

2. Is he visits his grandma right now? Visiting .

3. Do seagulls crying above the Black Sea? Are .

4. Am Maria brushing her teeth now? Is .

5. What am I do here? Doing .

6. They aren't go to the party. Going .

Заполните пропуски правильными формами приведенных глаголов
(Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the given verbs)

She in the park at the moment.

I now. I'm cooking dinner.

  1. Sam isn't studying is not studying right now. He is washing the dishes.
  2. They are listening 're listening to pop music in their bedroom. Don't disturb them, please.
  3. My cat isn't drinking is not drinking milk. It is drinking water.
  4. Hurry up! We are leaving 're leaving .
  5. She 's having is having a shower now. She can't answer the phone.
  6. You 're sitting are sitting near the window. You can catch a cold.
  7. Dad is repairing 's repairing his car in the garage at the moment.
Распределите элементы по группам
(Divide the elements into groups)
Happens regularly With the timetable With "often", "always", "never" With repeated actions With routines At the moment of speaking Current actions With "now", "at the moment", "this week" Actions in progress Present Simple Present Continuous
Распределите глаголы по группам
(Divide the verbs into groups)
Hate Need Believe Prefer Want Love Know Cost Remember Understand Like Eat Drink Skate Listen Watch Do Get Go Start Read Only Simple Simple and Continuous
Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильные глагольные формы
(Read the sentences and choose the correct verb forms)
  1. I have am having a dog. It lives with us.
  2. Mary brushes is brushing her teeth every day.
  3. I believe am believing Mr Puff will find a new job as soon as possible.
  4. Doctors know are knowing how to treat people.
  5. Can you hear it? I think a nightingale* sing is singing .
  6. Felix prefers is preferring vanilla ice cream.
  7. Does Is she like liking red roses? I want am wanting to give her a bouquet.
  8. I work am working on a new project this week.

* A nightingale — a small bird that sings at night.

Выберите правильную грамматическую форму на месте каждого пропуска
(Choose the right grammatical form in each gap to complete the text)

Hello, my favourite followers! Today I am going to tell you about my holiday which I am spending spend spending spends near Niagara Falls. Look! The sun shine shines is shining shining , the birds is singing are singing sing sings , but I suppose you cannot hear it because of the noise. Right there, 200 metres downstream you can see the Rainbow Bridge between the USA and Canada. It's open to pedestrians and cars, so people always move is moving are moving moves there freely to observe Niagara Falls. It's all for now! See you!

Выберите правильные варианты ответов
(Choose the correct options)

Look at the picture, listen and answer the questions.

  1. Yes, he is she is it is they are .
  2. No, he isn't she isn't it isn't they aren't .
  3. No, he isn't she isn't it isn't they aren't .
  4. No, he isn't she isn't it isn't they aren't .
  5. Yes, he is she is it is they are .
  6. No, he isn't she isn't it isn't they aren't .
  7. Yes, he is she is it is they are .
  8. Yes, he is she is it is they are .
  1. Is the father playing the guitar?
  2. Is the dog playing with a ball?
  3. Are the children sleeping?
  4. Is the mother cooking?
  5. Are the people in the picture camping?
  6. Is the son playing computer games?
  7. Is the daughter singing?
  8. Is the dog looking at the chicken?
The image is a derivative of "Happy family enjoying camping in the forest" by hoangpts on Envato Elements.
Прослушайте аудио и выберите правильные варианты ответов
(Listen and choose the correct options to complete the sentences)

Sentence 1.

...on Sundays ...at the moment

Sentence 2.

...usually ...now

Sentence 3.

...at 1 o'clock ...at present

Sentence 4.

...now ...every day in autumn

Sentence 5.

At the moment Stop it!

Sentence 6.

...tonight ...twice a day

Sentence 7.

...tonight ...usually

Sentence 8.

...every day? ...at the moment?
  1. Ann plays tennis...
  2. Tom is reading...
  3. I usually have lunch at the café...
  4. It is raining...
  5. You are always listening to loud music!
  6. I brush my teeth...
  7. I'm meeting Fred...
  8. Is Ann sleeping...
Выберите правильные варианты ответа в каждом предложении
(Choose the correct options to complete the sentences)
  1. Peter and Lucy are walking walk their dog at the moment.
  2. We aren't going don't go to the cinema every week.
  3. Our baby doesn't sleep isn't sleeping right now. It's crying.
  4. Jack and Mary often ride horses are riding horses on Sundays.
  5. Can you hear it? Lucy plays is playing the piano upstairs.
  6. Jim wears is wearing his new jeans today.
  7. Is Does Emma tidy tidying up her room every week?
  8. That's strange! Why is does your father works working today?
  9. I don't brush 'm not brushing my teeth every evening.
  10. What are do you do doing there? Are Do you look looking for your car keys?

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


12 апреля 2023
Учусь в Skyeng уже полгода, в последнее время стала довольно быстро расправляться с домашками, так что раздел с бесплатными заданиями очень помогает не скучать между уроками. Занимаюсь английским практически каждый день.
01 мая 2023
Спасибо за бесплатные задания. Кажется, у меня наконец получилось разобраться, в чем разница между прошедшими временами. Мучился с этой темой еще со школы.
15 апреля 2023
Удобно, что можно делать упражнения с телефона, помогает скоротать время в дороге, да еще и с пользой.

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