Упражнения: The future and to be going to

Будущее время и to be going to

Use the verbs with Future Simple or be going to

A. — Bye!

— See you! I you tomorrow.

B. — What about your holiday?

— I it in Greece next month.

  1. — Do you have any plans for this weekend?

    — Yes, I'm going to visitI am going to visit my father.

  2. (In the restaurant)

    — Are you ready to order?

    — I think I will haveI'll have a salad and a steak.

  3. — Look at those dark clouds in the sky.

    — Oh, it's going to rainit is going to rain . Run! Quickly!

  4. — Do you want to go to the cinema with us this evening?

    — Sorry, but my exam is tomorrow. I am going to studyI'm going to study a lot tonight.

  5. — Why did Jane buy green paint?

    She is going to paintShe's going to paint the house.

  6. — Tomorrow is a very important meeting in our office.

    — Alright, I won't beI'll not beI will not be late tomorrow.

  7. — I'm hungry.

    — OK. I'll makeI will make some sandwiches.

  8. — What are his plans for the weekend?

    He's going to doHe is going to do some shopping.

  9. Are you going to take a taxi tomorrow?

    — Yes, I am.

Revise the rules about Future Simple in the card. Then do the exercises below.

We use will for:

  • fast decisions;

I am thirsty. I will buy mineral water.

  • promises;

I won't tell your secret.

  • offers.

I will help you with your homework.

We use shall for:

  • suggestions (when we ask someone to do something together).

Shall we go to the restaurant?

We can use tomorrow and next with will.


  • We won't go to work tomorrow.
  • I will go to the cinema next Sunday.
Future Simple
Match the halves to complete the sentences SSBsaWtlIHRoaXMgZHJlc3MuIEkgdGhpbmsgSSdsbA== YnV5IGl0Lg== SmFuZSBpcyB2ZXJ5IHRpcmVkLiBTaGU= d29uJ3QgY29tZSB0byB0aGUgcGFydHkgdG9uaWdodC4= KEluIGEgY2FmZSkgSSB0aGluayBJ d2lsbCBoYXZlIGEgY3VwIG9mIGNvZmZlZSBhbmQgYSBjYWtlLg== VGhlIHdlYXRoZXIgaXMgbmljZSB0b2RheS4gU2hhbGwgd2U= Z28gdG8gdGhlIGZvcmVzdCBhbmQgaGF2ZSBhIHBpY25pYz8= V2hhdCBhcmUgeW91 Z29pbmcgdG8gZG8gbmV4dCB3ZWVrZW5kPw== TmljayBkb2Vzbid0IHdhbnQgaGlzIGNhciBhbnltb3JlLiBIZSdz Z29pbmcgdG8gc2VsbCBpdC4= TXkgZnJpZW5kcyBhcmUgZ29pbmc= dG8gY29tZSB0b25pZ2h0Lg==
Look at the pictures and choose the correct grammar forms

I'm going to I'll help you.

Oh, I see you're hot. I'm going to I'll open the window.

Friday is not good for me, I'm afraid. I'm going to I'll meet our business partner from Italy.

Next year, we're going to we'll sell our products in Italy.

Thanks, I think I'm going to I'll have apple juice.

I'm going to I'll pay for the broken window.

Choose the correct use of be going to
  1. She can't come with us because she's going to see her friend next Sunday. plans prediction
  2. When are you going to start? plans prediction
  3. It's cloudy. It's going to rain now. plans prediction
  4. I have a message from Ella and Paul. They aren't going to the party next Saturday. plans prediction
  5. The food wasn't fresh in that cafe. I'm going to be sick. plans prediction
  6. The summer is going to be hotter next year. plans prediction
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences I'm going to sell my car. John isn't going to come tonight. What are you going to do tomorrow? Is it going to be sunny tomorrow? Steve is going to Los Angeles next week. Do you remember?

Steve is going to Los Angeles next week. = Steve is going to go to Los Angeles next week.

Transform sentences into (–) negative, (+) positive or (?) questions

A. Lola is going to visit her father on Sunday.

(–) Lola her father on Sunday.

B. You're going to visit Moscow.

(?) Moscow?

  1. She isn't going to see a dentist next week.

    (+) She's going to seeShe is going to see a dentist next week.

  2. You're going to watch football tonight.

    (?) Are you going to watch football tonight?

  3. Henry isn't going to live in a new house.

    (+) Henry's going to liveHenry is going to live in a new house.

  4. They're going to play football next weekend.

    (–) They aren't going to playThey are not going to playThey're not going to play football next weekend.

  5. It's going to be cold next week.

    (?) Is it going to be cold next week?

  6. Ella and Paul aren't going to teach English in Brazil.

    (+) Ella and Paul are going to teach English in Brazil.

Complete the sentences. Use be going to and the words from the list

be cook play read study watch

tennis next weekend?

  1. We are going to watchWe're going to watch a football match on TV tonight.
  2. It's going to beIt is going to be sunny tomorrow.
  3. Are you going to read this new book?
  4. I am going to cookI'm going to cook meat tonight.
  5. Is Lola going to study German next year?

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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Спасибо за бесплатные задания. Кажется, у меня наконец получилось разобраться, в чем разница между прошедшими временами. Мучился с этой темой еще со школы.
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