Упражнения: Future Continuous

Будущее длительное время

Choose the correct options

You can come to me anytime tomorrow because

I'll be working from home. I'll work from home.

Don't call me tomorrow evening.

I'll be driving to the airport. I'll drive to the airport.

I'm sure that when you see Disneyland,

you'll be liking it. you'll like it.

This time next week,

I'll be lying on a beach in Spain. I will lie on a beach in Spain.

Tomorrow this time,

I'll be walking around Barcelona. I'll walk around Barcelona.

You'll easily recognise her at the station.

She'll be wearing a red coat. She'll wear a red coat.

You've left the light on.

Oh! I'll be turning it off. Oh! I'll turn it off.

Have you got any plans for the holiday?

Not yet, I hope I'll go somewhere abroad. Not yet, I hope I'll be going somewhere abroad.

Anna is 18 now, but she already knows what she'll be doing in the future.

Complete the sentences with the Future Continuous forms of the verbs from the list

to study to travel to work to sit to live to drive

In two years, Anna will be studying at university.

In five years, she 'll be workingwill be working at her first full-time job.

When she's 26, she 'll be drivingwill be driving a good car.

When she's 35, she 'll be sittingwill be sitting on the board of directors.

At the age of 50, she 'll be travellingwill be travelling'll be travelingwill be traveling a lot.

At the age of 70, she 'll be livingwill be living in a country house.

Photo 1 by redcharlie on Unsplash, CC0 Photo 2 by senivpetro on Freepik, CC0 Photo 3 by Dmitry Zvolskiy on Pexels, CC0 Photo 4 by Christina Morillo on Pexels, CC0 Photo 5 by STIL on Unsplash, CC0 Photo 6 by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels, CC0 Photo 7 by inkong on Freepik, CC0

We can use Future Continuous to talk about predictions. Let's have a look at some predictions for the year 2100.

Complete the sentences with the Future Continuous forms of the verbs
  1. Three quarters of the population will be living in large cities.
  2. Robots will be doing lots of jobs, including healthcare and customer service work.
  3. 50% of people will be working from home rather than going to the office every day.
  4. Educators will be using VR technologies on a daily basis.
  5. People will be wearing special protective uniform every day.
  6. The first human colonists will be living on Mars.
  7. People will be using much fewer languages than they do now.
  8. Students won't be studyingwill not be studying at schools and universities.
Photo by inkong on Freepik, CC0

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.
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