Упражнения: Prepositions of place

Предлоги места

Listen and cross out the prepositions you hear



  • at the bus stop
  • behind the table
  • under the tree
  • on the wall
at behind between in on under



  • in the mall
  • behind the door
  • under the bridge
  • between the pharmacy and the coffee shop
at behind between in on under



  • on the floor
  • between the books
  • in the bag
  • at the corner
at behind between in on under

Choose the correct options to complete the sentences
  1. There is a big mall malls in my town.
  2. There are flowers in the middle on of the table.
  3. There are no coffees shop coffee shops at the a corner of the street.
  4. There is a bed in on front of the window.
  5. There are a lot of films on at the Internet.
  6. There are no pharmacies pharmacy next to of my house.
  7. There is a table in a on the right of my bed.

Match the words to make logical sentences SSB3YXRjaCBmaWxtcyBvbg== dGhl SW50ZXJuZXQu VGhlIGhvc3BpdGFs aXMgb24= dGhlIHJpZ2h0Lg== VGhlIGNvZmZlZSBzaG9wIGlz aW4gZnJvbnQ= b2YgdGhlIHBoYXJtYWN5Lg== VGhlIHRhYmxlIGlzIGlu dGhlIG1pZGRsZSBvZg== dGhlIHJvb20u TXkgYmVkIGlz bmV4dA== dG8gdGhlIHRhYmxlLg== TXkgYnJvdGhlciBzdHVkaWVz YXQ= c2Nob29sLg==

John's nephew and niece, Henry and Jemma, sometimes visit him and play with Fluffy in their room. They make a big mess! Let's help John to put the things in the right places.

Compare the pictures. Choose the correct options and fill in the missing words

  1. One sock is at on in the door but it should be at on in the drawer.
  2. The basketball is at on in the bed but it should be at on in the door.
  3. The plant is at on in the carpet but it should be at on in the drawer.
  4. The doll is at on in the floor but it should be at on in the toy box.
  5. The toy horse is at on in the door but it should be at on in the bed.
Photo 3 by Macrovector on Shutterstock
Correct the mistakes and fill in the correct prepositions (in:, on:, at:) to complete the dialogue

Jemma:Is Fluffy in a dog kennel?

John: No, she isn't. I can't see her inside.

Jemma: Is she at the table?

John: No, she isn't. There are only two children there.

Jemma: Is Fluffy in the bushes?

John: No, she isn't.

Jemma: Where is she hiding then?

John: She is in the house.

Jemma: Yes! I can hear how she barks inside. And is Henry in the car?

John: No, he isn't. The car is empty.

Jemma: Is he on that branch on that big tree?

John: No, there is nobody there.

Jemma: So, where is Henry?

John: He is at the end of the backyard in the bushes.

Photo by Vectors Bang on Shutterstock

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