Упражнения на словообразование в английском языке

Word building

Match the words and the parts of speech YSBnaXJs YSBub3Vu c2hl YSBwcm9ub3Vu dG8gd3JpdGU= YSB2ZXJi YmVhdXRpZnVs YW4gYWRqZWN0aXZl Y2FyZWZ1bGx5 YW4gYWR2ZXJi d2l0aA== YSBwcmVwb3NpdGlvbg== YmVjYXVzZQ== YSBjb25qdW5jdGlvbg==

Complete the sentences with the correct part of speech
  1. A company in the USA has come up with new environmentally friendly ways of burying people.
  2. The EU would like to introduce a new law which involves the standardization of the charging port.
  3. scientistsscientist managed to train sheep to identify up to eight human faces.
  4. It was previously believed that dogs' expressions were fake, but the study has found that dogs can change their expressions in relation to human behaviourbehavior .
  5. Bionic arms technology is constantly developing and amputees will be able to control their arms with their thoughts.
  6. Due to technological development , sleep deprivation has become a global issue in major cities, where the pace of life is fast.
Facts retrieved from https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/new-ways-to-bury-people-level-1/, https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/the-same-charger-for-all-smartphones-level-1/, https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/sheep-and-faces-level-1/, https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/emotions-of-dogs-level-1/, https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/bionic-arm-level-1/, https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/people-do-not-sleep-enough-level-1/

Read the nouns and choose the corresponding adjectives and verbs
  1. Noun — strength

    Adjective strengan strong strengthful

    Verb to strengthen to strong to strengthe

  2. Noun — weakness

    Adjective weak weakful weakable

    Verb to weak to weake to weaken

  3. Noun — opportunity

    Adjective opportunful opportunic opportune

    No verb

  4. Noun — threat

    Adjective threatening thretal threatic

    Verb to threaten to threate to throten

Paraphrase the sentences using the words from Exercise 1 so that they mean the same

1. Skilled staff can strengthen your company.

  • Skilled staff can make your company strongstronger .
  • Skilled staff can help to develop your company's strengthsstrength .

2. The negative reviews of your company can be threatening for your business.

  • The negative reviews of your company can be a real threatthreat for your businessthreat for your company .
  • The negative reviews of your business can threatenthreaten your businessthreaten your company .

3. Resource limitation is a weak factor of this company.

  • Resource limitation weakensis weakeningweakens this companyis weakening this companyweakens the companyis weakening the company .
  • Resource limitation is a weaknessweakness of this companyweakness of the company .

4. Using new technology is an opportune factor for my business.

  • Using new technology is an opportunityopportunity for meopportunity for my businessopportunity for the business .
Перетащите элементы на места пропусков
Put the elements into the gaps


Width — widen — wide — widely.

heighten act Depth creative strong Impression weaken successful Shortness
  1. Height — — high — highly.
  2. Action — — active — actively.
  3. — deepen — deep — deeply.
  4. Creation — create — — creatively.
  5. Strength — strengthen — — strongly.
  6. — impress — impressive — impressively.
  7. Weakness — — weak — weakly.
  8. Success — succeed — — successfully.
  9. — shorten — short — shortly.
Запишите ответы (Write the answers)

Form the new words to make the sentences.

He is a good swimmer . The builders start to construct the house. Every honourable university has its scientist scientists . A football team has 11 players . She has spent her childhood in the village. They signed an agreement . Image 1 is derivative from the image by NomadSoul1 on Envato Elements. Images 2, 4 are derivatives from images by Pressmaster on Envato Elements. Image 3 is derivative from the image by seventyfourimages on Envato Elements. Image 5 is derivative from the image by DragonImages on Envato Elements. Image 6 is derivative from the image by Yakov_Oskano on Envato Elements.
Соедините слова (Match the words) dHJhZGl0aW9uJiMxMzsK dHJhZGl0aW9uYWxseQ== ZnJpZW5k ZnJpZW5kbHk= aGFyZA== aGFyZGx5 Zm9ydHVuZQ== Zm9ydHVuYXRlbHk= ZXh0cmVtZQ== ZXh0cmVtZWx5 b3JpZ2lu b3JpZ2luYWxseQ== Y29tcGxldGU= Y29tcGxldGVseQ== bWFnaWM= bWFnaWNhbA==
Составьте слова из частей
Match the parts of the words
cHJvdiYjMTM7CiYjMTM7Cg== aXNpb24= YWZmZWN0 aW9u Y3VsdHVy YWw= ZWZmaWNpZW4= Y3k= aW1wcmVzcyYjMTM7CiYjMTM7Cg== aXZl cHVibGlj aXR5 dW5iZWxpZXY= YWJsZQ== YXJ0 aXN0aWM=
Воспроизведите слова (Recreate the words)

In each epoch, knights defended their country. The defenders were very courageous and brave. They spent nights and days following the enemies below the castle walls. When enemies attacked them, they helped the builders to rebuild the walls and the fortress. Sometimes locals took part in battles. Some of them died, some of them survived successfully . When the battle was completed, lots of corpses were in the field. Nurses came to wounded people to bandage them and help them to survive.

Впишите ответы (Write the answers)

Correct the mistakes.

  1. I can't see him. He has just misappeared. disappeared
  2. Let's have a stroll in the New York Centre Park. Central central
  3. My dad is watching a politics programme on TV. political
  4. Saint Petersburg is considered as the culture capital of Russia. cultural
  5. His dream is to have a walk on sand beaches in California. sandy
  6. Last summer was so joy and wonderful for our team. joyful
  7. Sarah is the most beauty girl in our class. beautiful
Распределите слова по группам
Divide the words into the groups
Appear Obey Agree Please Order Comfort Move Pack Tell Place Mix Paint Pay Cook Paid Made School Heat Clean Like Real Usual Lucky Broken Happy Lock Behaviour Trust Match Taken Dis- Re- Pre- Un- Mis-
Прочитайте текст и выберите недостающие слова
Read the text and choose the right missing words

It was a great sun sunny day. Jenny was sitting on her favourite comfort comfortable couch. Her eyes were full of joy enjoy . She liked sunny days like nobody else. Her lover lovely love little brother was playing football in the garden with his friends. He practised the game every day to become a football player play replay in the future. Jenny and Henry were home alone. Their parents gave them some instructions instruct before leaving the house. Jenny knew that she had to look after her little brother and not let him disappear appear from view. Later, they ate a tasty dinner which Jenny heat heated preheated in the oven. At 3 o'clock their granny came to read a history historical historian book about warriors and knights.

Восстановите слова (Recreate the words)
  1. I remember how dangerous this part of the road was before.
  2. Who is the most powerful president in the world?
  3. Our workers are very ambitious . They take part in each competition.
  4. In summer, our class will have excursions to various places in San Francisco.
  5. Our university gives scholarships only in the case of financial needs.
  6. The article with negative opinions may be harmful for our company.
  7. I'd like to live in a peaceful place when I retire.
Перетащите слова на места пропусков
Put the words into the gaps
active acts actively
  1. John is a very boy.
  2. Hermoine a princess in a school play.
  3. The company protects its rights in the court.
sad sadness sadly sadden
  1. When Lucy gets B at school, she is usually .
  2. You can feel when you're alone.
  3. He answered to the question.
  4. The words and depress him.
differ differences differently Different
  1. The worker's opinions about the coffee machine in the kitchen.
  2. Sometimes it's difficult to find between tweens.
  3. Mum and dad treated kids .
  4. schools took part in the local sport competition.
careful care carefully
  1. Harry, be ! There's a cow on the road.
  2. I don't about you. You deserved it.
  3. She walked because of her broken leg.

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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