Упражнения на Future in the Past

Будущее в прошлом

Соедините времена и способы их образования
Match tenses with the ways they are formed
RnV0dXJlIFNpbXBsZSBpbiB0aGUgUGFzdA== U3ViamVjdCArIHdvdWxkICsgYmFyZSBpbmZpbml0aXZl RnV0dXJlIENvbnRpbnVvdXMgaW4gdGhlIFBhc3Q= U3ViamVjdCArIHdvdWxkIGJlICsgVi1pbmc= RnV0dXJlIFBlcmZlY3QgaW4gdGhlIFBhc3Q= U3ViamVjdCArIHdvdWxkIGhhdmUgKyBWMw== RnV0dXJlIFBlcmZlY3QgQ29udGludW91cyBpbiB0aGUgUGFzdA== U3ViamVjdCArIHdvdWxkIGhhdmUgYmVlbiArIFYtaW5n
Определите, какое время используется в каждом из предложений (Decide which tense is used in each sentence) RnV0dXJlIFBlcmZlY3QgaW4gdGhlIFBhc3Q= TXkgcGFyZW50cyBiZWxpZXZlZCBJIHdvdWxkIGhhdmUgZ290IGEgam9iIG9mZmVyIGJ5IHRoZSBlbmQgb2YgdGhlIG1vbnRoLg== RnV0dXJlIFNpbXBsZSBpbiB0aGUgUGFzdA== SGUgdG9sZCBtZSBoZSB3b3VsZCB2aXNpdCB0aGUgbXVzZXVtIHdpdGggaGlzIGNsYXNzbWF0ZXMgdGhpcyBhZnRlcm5vb24u RnV0dXJlIFBlcmZlY3QgQ29udGludW91cyBpbiB0aGUgUGFzdA== TXkgY29hY2ggcmV2ZWFsZWQgdGhhdCBpbiBEZWNlbWJlciBoZSB3b3VsZCBoYXZlIGJlZW4gY29hY2hpbmcgZ3ltbmFzdGljcyBmb3IgMjAgeWVhcnMu RnV0dXJlIENvbnRpbnVvdXMgaW4gdGhlIFBhc3Q= SSBkZWNpZGVkIHRoYXQgbmV4dCBTYXR1cmRheSBJIHdvdWxkIGJlIGNsZWFuaW5nIG15IGdhcmFnZSBhbGwgZGF5Lg==
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)
  1. She hinted she is looking will look would look for a new job.
  2. My teacher declared he is publishing will publish would publish the test results tomorrow.
  3. I felt like they won't accept wouldn't accept won't to accept my idea.
  4. Did you suspect that George is hiding will hide would hide the truth?
  5. My friend confessed that she isn't going won't go wouldn't go to the concert.
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)
  1. Your mother expected you would be study would be studying will be at that time.
  2. Mary thought that her brother wouldn't be to working not would be working wouldn't be working all day.
  3. Lana said she will be reading would be reading be reading at that time.
  4. Did she say that she be would giving would she be giving would be giving an Italian lesson at 7?
  5. I didn't think you would be watching would be watch not would be watching TV all morning.
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)
  1. I assumed you would have finished will finish will have finished your chores by noon.
  2. Emily mentioned that she wouldn't have written won't have written not would have written this report by next Wednesday.
  3. They expected that we will have joined would joined would have joined the meeting by 3 p.m.
  4. Did Mark say that he have come would would he have come would have come home by Thursday?
  5. She promised she would completed would have completed will have completed the painting by the weekend.
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)
  1. She mentioned that by the end of the year she would been playing would have been playing will have been playing would have play piano for a decade already.
  2. John claimed that he would been running would have been running will been running would have been run for 4 hours by tomorrow morning.
  3. He believed that by the end of next week he will have been playing would have been playing will been playing would have been play soccer for 6 months.
  4. Did Alex mention that he would have been painting will been painting would have painting would have be painting for 30 minutes by lunchtime?
  5. Jenna claimed that she would been studying would have been studying will been studying would have been study for 5 hours by the end of the week.
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)
  1. She was worried they would forget would have forgotten would be forgetting her birthday.
  2. John assumed his daughter would be playing would have played would play in the park at 5 PM.
  3. I presumed Lisa would arrive would have arrived would be arriving first, but she turned up last.
  4. They announced to everyone that they would depart would be departing would have departed on Friday.
  5. She promised that she would improve would have improved will improve her grades by the end of the year.
  6. He assured he would complete would have completed would be completing the project before the beginning of March.
  7. Everyone presumed he would ace would have aced would be acing the test.
  8. I guessed Sarah would eat would be eating would have eaten at that new café when I walked by.
  9. We were confident that he would arrive would have arrived would be arriving ahead of us.
  10. She mentioned she would read would be reading would have read when we got back from the concert.
  11. We knew she would study would have studied would be studying for 10 hours by the time we reached home.
Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences
She assumed they would arrive early We knew they'd win the game They knew it would rain He thought she would understand I thought he would call I assumed it would take longer We knew she would disagree She thought they would approve I knew it would break He assumed she would forgive him
Заполните пропуски, используя Future Simple в прошлом (Fill in the gaps using Future Simple in the past)
  1. They guaranteed that they would provide us with the cutting-edge technology.
  2. The contractor promised that the materials would be delivered soon.
  3. It was decided that we would start our journey at dawn.
  4. I warned you that I would leave the party early.
  5. I was informed that the manager would come back shortly.
  6. I imagined how joyful it would be to visit my childhood home again.
  7. I told them that I would get the tickets for the football match next week.
Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени
Convert the sentences into the past tense
  1. I'm afraid I'll miss the last train.

    I was afraid I would miss the last train I was afraid I'd miss the last train .

  2. Do you believe you'll read ten books in a month?

    Did you believe you would read ten books in a month Did you believe you'd read ten books in a month ?

  3. She hopes you will call her more frequently.

    She hoped you would call her more frequently She hoped you'd call her more frequently .

  4. I think Sarah will join the party.

    I thought Sarah would join the party .

  5. He assumes she'll pass the exam with flying colors.

    He assumed she would pass the exam with flying colors He assumed she'd pass the exam with flying colors .

Исправьте ошибки (Correct the mistakes)
  1. I was sure we wouldn't miss would not miss the flight.
  2. I was curious if he would attend 'd attend the conference.
  3. He asked when I would finish 'd finish the painting.
  4. She asked if I would meet 'd meet Jake at the concert.
  5. He doubted that he would make 'd make it to the wedding.
Закончите предложения (Complete the sentences)
  1. "She'll finish the project in a flash" he thought.

    He thought that she would finish the project in a flash she'd finish the project in a flash .

  2. "I won't enjoy this concert" he assumed.

    He assumed that he wouldn't enjoy this concert he would not enjoy this concert .

  3. "I'll be walking the dog later" he mentioned.

    He mentioned that he would be walking the dog later he'd be walking the dog later .

  4. "I'll be studying the entire afternoon" she promised.

    She promised that she would be studying the entire afternoon she'd be studying the entire afternoon .

  5. "I'll have completed my tasks by noon" I hoped.

    I hoped that I would have completed my tasks by noon I'd have completed my tasks by noon .

Соедините части предложений (Match the beginnings and endings) SSB3YXMgZ29pbmcgdG8gYmFrZSBjb29raWVz YnV0IHdlIHJhbiBvdXQgb2Ygc3VnYXIu SSB3YXMgdGhpbmtpbmcgb2Ygc3RhcnRpbmcgYSBuZXcgYm9vaw== YnV0IHRoZW4gSSBzdHVtYmxlZCB1cG9uIGFuIGludGVyZXN0aW5nIGRvY3VtZW50YXJ5Lg== SSB3YXMgZ29pbmcgdG8gY2FsbCB5b3U= YnV0IG15IHBob25lIGJhdHRlcnkgZGllZC4= SSB3YXMgZ29pbmcgdG8gZmluaXNoIG15IHByb2plY3Q= YnV0IG15IHRlYW0gYXNrZWQgZm9yIG15IGhlbHAgd2l0aCB0aGVpciB3b3JrLg== SSB3YXMgZ29pbmcgdG8gY2xlYW4gbXkgcm9vbQ== YnV0IEkgY291bGRuJ3QgZmluZCB0aGUgdmFjdXVtIGNsZWFuZXIu
Соедините части предложений (Match the beginnings and endings) SSB3YXMgZ29pbmcgdG8gYmFrZSBhIGNha2UgeWVzdGVyZGF5LA== YnV0IEkgZW5kZWQgdXAgb3JkZXJpbmcgcGl6emEu SSB3YXMgZ29pbmcgdG8gdGFrZSB0aGUgZG9nIGZvciBhIHdhbGss YnV0IHJhaW4gc3BvaWxlZCB0aGUgcGxhbi4= SSBiZWxpZXZlZCBteSBtZWV0aW5nIHdvdWxkIHN0YXJ0IGF0IHRlbiw= YnV0IEkgbWlzdW5kZXJzdG9vZCB0aGUgZW1haWwu SSB0aG91Z2h0IG15IGZyaWVuZCB3b3VsZCBwaWNrIG1lIHVwIGF0IHRoZSBzdGF0aW9uLA== YnV0IHNoZSBkaWRuJ3QgbWFrZSBpdCBvbiB0aW1lLg== SSB3YXMgZ29pbmcgdG8gZmluaXNoIHRoZSBib29rIGxhc3QgbmlnaHQs YnV0IEkgZmVsbCBhc2xlZXAgaGFsZndheSB0aHJvdWdoLg== SSBrbmV3IEkgd291bGQgZmVlbCBndWlsdHkgYWZ0ZXIgZWF0aW5nIHRoYXQgY2hvY29sYXRlIGNha2Us YW5kIEkgZGlkLCBmZWVsaW5nIGEgcGFuZyBvZiByZWdyZXQgaW5zdGFudGx5Lg== SSB3YXMgc3VyZSBoZSB3b3VsZCB0aHJvdyBhIHN1cnByaXNlIHBhcnR5LA== c28gSSBwcmVwYXJlZCBteSBmYW5jeSBjbG90aGVzLg==
Прочитайте и заполните пропуски
Read and complete the sentences
stay visit serve study write
  1. As a child, I always dreamt that I would write 'd write a best-selling novel one day.
  2. They anticipated that she would have been studying 'd have been studying would've been studying for the exam all night.
  3. She left work early as she was going to visit her grandparents at the hospital.
  4. We were planning a camping trip and hoped the weather would stay nice and warm.
  5. We were informed that the breakfast would be served at 8am.


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01 мая 2023
Спасибо за бесплатные задания. Кажется, у меня наконец получилось разобраться, в чем разница между прошедшими временами. Мучился с этой темой еще со школы.
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Задания — огонь! Жаль только, что навык устной речи никак не проверишь здесь. Если хотите потренировать именно речь, то мне лично понравились Skyeng Talks: недорого и времени много не отнимает.
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  • Это бесплатные упражнения?

    Да, все упражнения в этом разделе бесплатны.
  • Как выполнять упражнения?

    В этом разделе мы собрали интерактивные задания с разными механиками выполнения, поэтому ориентируйтесь на инструкции, которые приведены в начале каждого упражнения.
  • Сколько времени нужно уделять упражнениям, чтобы получить результат?

    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.
  • Я изучаю английский совсем недавно. Подойдут ли мне упражнения?

    Да, в этом разделе вы найдете задания для всех уровней английского языка, от начинающего до продвинутого.
  • Как мне узнать свой уровень английского?

    Вы можете узнать свой уровень английского за 15 минут, пройдя наш интерактивный тест. В конце вас ждут приятные подарки.