Упражнения на окончание ed в английском языке

Окончание -ed

Поставьте глаголы в прошедшую форму
Put the verbs in the past form


  1. Played .
  2. Finished .
  3. Called .
  4. Walked .
  5. Smiled .
  6. Loved .
  7. Phoned .
  8. Closed .
Перетащите глаголы на места пропусков
Put the missing verbs into the gaps
watched jumped walked talked played
  1. Anna a cartoon yesterday.
  2. Michael very high in the competition last month.
  3. Ann and Ron to school yesterday.
  4. I so loud that everyone could hear me.
  5. My mum chess with my grandpa two hours ago.
Поставьте глаголы в прошедшую форму
Put the verbs in the past form
  1. I studied very hard last year.
  2. Mark stopped watching a film very late yesterday.
  3. My little sister cried when she was a baby.
  4. They chatted a lot last month.
  5. He tried to do this task alone.
Поставьте глаголы в прошедшую форму
Put the verbs in the past form

Study — studied.

Plan — planned.

  1. Dried .
  2. Cried .
  3. Tried .
  4. Tidied .
  5. Clapped .
  6. Stopped .
  7. Chatted .
Перетащите глаголы на места пропусков (Put the verbs into the gaps)

He his trip to the sea.

married cried hurried stopped tried dried hop
  1. John and Helen are a family. They last year.
  2. The baby because he was hungry.
  3. The children to the playground. They wanted to play.
  4. We in front of the traffic light. It was red.
  5. The student to find the answer but couldn't.
Выберите подходящую форму глаголов
Choose the correct past form of the verbs

They the party last night.

  1. Julia finished finishes finishing her homework 5 minutes ago.
  2. John cleans clean cleaned the room in the morning.
  3. I wants wanted wanting to go out last night.
  4. My mum closed close closing the doors and went to bed.
  5. When I was a child, I play played plays a lot in the playground.
  6. They loves loving loved their last summer holidays in the village.
  7. We staying stayed stay in the hotel during our last trip to Spain.
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)

They their holiday in the mountains last year.


looked at the man with surprise lookd at the man with surprise lookied at the man with surprise


wantd three pieces of cake wanted three pieces of cake wantied three pieces of cake


studed hard for her English exam studyed hard for her English exam studied hard for her English exam


closed the door closied the door closeed the door

The children

enjoied their weekend enjoyed their weekend enjoyied their weekend


carryed her suitcase to the bus carred her suitcase to the bus carried her suitcase to the bus

The boy

tryed to open the box tried to open the box tryd to open the box

The girl

clapped her hands claped her hands clappied her hands
Разделите предложения на группы (Divide the sentences into the groups) She stopped. He cried. They played. She smiled. He tried. She chatted. They cryed. She smild. They plaied. He tryed. She chated. He stoped. Right Wrong
Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски
Read the sentences and fill in the gaps

Put the verbs in the correct form in the past.

  1. He watched a movie last night.
  2. She jumped very high yesterday.
  3. I walked in the park last month.
  4. They talked very fast.
  5. She climbed a mountain last year.
  6. They played basketball last weekend.
  7. He studied very hard last month.
  8. I stopped talking to listen to music.
  9. She cried a lot last year.
  10. They chatted after the lesson.
Прослушайте аудио и выберите номер строки, в которой все слова оканчиваются на звук /ɪd/
Listen and choose the number of the line where all the words have sounds /ɪd/

Choose the number.

1 2 3
Разделите слова на группы (Divide the elements into the groups)

/t/ — walked.

/d/ — played.

Watched Walked Jumped Laughed Climbed Played Listened Served /t/ /d/
Разделите слова на группы (Divide the elements into the groups)

/t/ — walked.

/d/ — played.

Watched Walked Jumped Laughed Painted Visited Skated Studied /t/ /ɪd/
Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски глаголами в Past Simple
Read the sentences and fill in the gaps in the Past Simple

We tennis last evening.

  1. I often watched cartoons when I was a child.
  2. I studied music two years ago.
  3. Ron stopped running because he was tired.
  4. My sister and I visited our grandparents on Sunday.
  5. George tried to call his friend but he didn't answer.
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)

He / / football last Saturday.

  1. I lived live didn't lived in Paris when I was 10.
  2. We played plaied did play tennis at 7 p.m.
  3. I didn't climbed not climbed didn't climb a mountain.
  4. Did you open the door? — No, I did didn't did no .
  5. I tidyed tidid tidied the room an hour ago.
  6. We stopped stoped stopied playing chess ten minutes ago.

Поставьте глаголы в прошедшее время (Put the verbs into the past form)

I always (want) to have a dog, and my parents (visit) local animal shelter yesterday to take a pet.

  1. I tried to call my friends many times, but no one answered .
  2. Anthony skipped six lessons last week. Our teachers called his parents.
  3. My granddad visited many countries when he was a sailor.
  4. Rosy and Helen talked and laughed so loudly that our English teacher told them to stop.
  5. A year ago my family and I travelled traveled together to Italy. We helped one family on their farm and lived there for free.
Image 1, derived from the image by LightFieldStudios on Envato Elements.


12 апреля 2023
Учусь в Skyeng уже полгода, в последнее время стала довольно быстро расправляться с домашками, так что раздел с бесплатными заданиями очень помогает не скучать между уроками. Занимаюсь английским практически каждый день.
01 мая 2023
Спасибо за бесплатные задания. Кажется, у меня наконец получилось разобраться, в чем разница между прошедшими временами. Мучился с этой темой еще со школы.
15 апреля 2023
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31 марта 2023
Задания — огонь! Жаль только, что навык устной речи никак не проверишь здесь. Если хотите потренировать именно речь, то мне лично понравились Skyeng Talks: недорого и времени много не отнимает.
25 апреля 2023
Отличный способ быстро проверить, помнишь ли ты какую-то тему по английскому или ее нужно повторить. Надеюсь, раздел будет пополняться новыми заданиями.
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  • Это бесплатные упражнения?

    Да, все упражнения в этом разделе бесплатны.
  • Как выполнять упражнения?

    В этом разделе мы собрали интерактивные задания с разными механиками выполнения, поэтому ориентируйтесь на инструкции, которые приведены в начале каждого упражнения.
  • Сколько времени нужно уделять упражнениям, чтобы получить результат?

    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.
  • Я изучаю английский совсем недавно. Подойдут ли мне упражнения?

    Да, в этом разделе вы найдете задания для всех уровней английского языка, от начинающего до продвинутого.
  • Как мне узнать свой уровень английского?

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