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I am a former private security specialist, and I also spent some time working in sales, as well as studying towards becoming a qualified IT hardware technician.
I have been teaching English since October 2018. I love teaching new skills and find reward in seeing the progress my students make. I reward good work with words of encouragement and affirmation, and I truly believe that setting achievable goals helps to turn the impossible into a realistically attainable goal. I conduct my lessons in a safe, fun and challenging way, where there is no judgement or fear of making a mistake.
I enjoy spending time with my wife and sons, singing and playing the guitar, or having a feast with friends around a fire.
Преподаватель английского, окончила экономический университет по специальности лингвист-переводчик: английский и немецкий языки. Начала преподавать английский...
Дипломированный преподаватель и переводчик, получила степень бакалавра по переводу и преподаванию (английский и французский языки)...
Профильное образование, опыт преподавания с 2015 года, сертификат TOEFL.
Меня зовут Венера. Я окончила Ванадзорский государственный...