Упражнения: Verbs «love, hate, want to, let's»

Глаголы love, hate, want, let's

Do you have a good memory? Can you do the task without taking a peek at the rules?

Complete the sentences using the complex object

  1. I want him to be my friend.
  2. They would like us to learn English.
  3. We expect them to arrive at 6 p.m.
  4. She doesn't want her daughter to live in France.
  5. I would like you to offer them our help.
  6. She heard him open the door.
  7. Tom expects me to write letters every week.

Use the infinitive with or without to. Mark bare infinitive as -

  1. We expect him to sign the contract on Monday.
  2. He wants the doctor to be sent for.
  3. Mr Garret would like the house to be renovated in summer.
  4. I don't hear her - sing at the moment.
  5. When do you want me to call?
  6. We wouldn't like Liz to know the truth.
  7. Why don't you want them to come to the party?
  8. I want my name to be included in the list.
  9. When do you want this work to be completed?
  10. She made him - promise to stay with them.
  11. They expected the letter to have been received.

Let's move on to the complex object.

Rewrite the sentences replacing the subordinate clause with the complex object

I thought that you were wrong.

  1. We expect that the trip will be well organised.

    We expect the trip to be well organised.We expect the trip to be well organisedWe expect the trip to be well organized.We expect the trip to be well organized.

  2. The citizens hope that the new mayor will solve the problems.

    The citizens hope the new mayor to solve the problems.The citizens hope the new mayor to solve the problems.

  3. I don't believe that he did it all by himself.

    I don't believe him to have done it all by himselfI don't believe him to have done it all by himself. .

  4. The HR manager finds that Eric is the most suitable candidate.

    The HR manager finds Eric to be the most suitable candidate.The HR manager finds Eric to be the most suitable candidateThe HR manager finds Eric the most suitable candidate.The HR manager finds Eric the most suitable candidate.

  5. We heard that someone opened the door to the attic.

    We heard someone open the door to the atticWe heard someone open the door to the attic. .

  6. I warn you that you shouldn't try to do this stunt.

    I warn you not to try to do this stunt.I warn you not to try to do this stuntI warn you not to do this stunt.I warn you not to do this stunt.

  7. They've noticed that the passenger behaves suspiciously.

    They've noticed the passenger behave suspiciouslyThey've noticed the passenger behave suspiciously. .

  8. I know that you will put all the effort into anything you do.

    I know you to put all the effort into anything you doI know you to put all the effort into anything you do. .

Choose the correct category for the verbs to wish to want to prefer to love to hate can't stand to hear to observe to sense to smell to see to watch to notice to believe to consider to expect to imagine to suppose to allow to forbid to permit to ask Desire and feelings Physical perception Mental perception Order and permission

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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