Упражнения на глагол to be в Present Simple

Глагол to be в Present Simple

Do the tasks

Выберите корректную форму глагола to be для каждого местоимения
Choose the correct form of the verb
to be for each pronoun.

I You We They He She It Am Are Is

Fill in the gaps with the correct full forms of the verb to be.

  1. I am = I'm.
  2. You are = You're.
  3. He is = He's.
  4. We are not = We aren't.
  5. She is not = She isn't.
Найдите глагол to be в предложениях
Find the verb to be in the sentences

She is a good pupil.

  1. Oliver is 11 years old.is's
  2. They are my best friends!are're
  3. I am a teacher.am'm
  4. My name is Peter.is's
  5. I'm so glad to meet you!'mam
  6. How old is Mark?is's
  7. We are in Class 4A.are're
  8. What's your favourite colour?'sis
Посмотрите на картинку и выберите правильные варианты ответов
Look at the picture and choose the correct options

  1. There is isn't a teacher in the class.
  2. The teacher is isn't a man.
  3. There are aren't eight pupils.
  4. There is isn't a big blackboard on the wall.
  5. There is isn't a clock on the wall.
  6. The globe is isn't on the table.
The image is a derivative of "Teacher at chalkboard in elementary school class, vertical" by monkeybusiness on Envato Elements
Заполните пропуски (Fill in the gaps)

I am Al. I'm Al.

  1. We are're friends.
  2. Cats are're big.
  3. He is's a boy.
  4. Toys are're old.
  5. Kate is's happy.
  6. The pencil is's red.
  7. You are're girls.
  8. They are're dogs.
  9. I am'm a student.
  10. She is's beautiful.
Изучите картинки и заполните пропуски
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences

1. There is's a school bag in the picture.

The bag is notisn't yellow.

There are're many pencils in the bag.

2. There are notaren't six people in the picture.

They are're happy.

The children in the picture are at school.

3. There are're three books in the picture.

There is notisn't a clock on the books.

There aren'tare not two apples.

The image 1 is a derivative of the image by Nadianb on Envato Elements. The image 2 is a derivative of the image by LightFieldStudios on Envato Elements. The image 3 is a derivative of the image by Prostock-studio on Envato Elements.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски подходящими формами предложенных слов
Read the text and complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words

I live in a wonderful house in England. It is notisn't very big, but it is cozy and nice. I am'm so happy to live there! My house is's in a very nice location. I like it a lot. There is's a beautiful lake next to my house. Also, there are're a lot of small parks in the area. Sadly, there are notaren't many cafes or restaurants around, but there is's a great amusement park nearby.

Соедините полные и краткие формы
Match the full forms to the short forms
aGUgaXM= aGUncw== dGhleSBhcmU= dGhleSdyZQ== aXMgbm90 aXNuJ3Q= SSBhbQ== SSdt d2UgYXJl d2UncmU= aXQgaXM= aXQncw== YXJlIG5vdA== YXJlbid0 eW91IGFyZQ== eW91J3Jl
Write the answers

Заполните пропуски правильными формами глагола to be.
Fill in the gaps with the right forms of the verb
to be.

  1. Are you Spanish?
  2. How old is Mary?
  3. Is she pregnant?
  4. Am I good at Maths?
  5. Are you free?
  6. What country are you from?
  7. Is Amily your sister?
Заполните пропуски правильными формами глагола to be
Fill in the gaps with the right forms of the verb to be

Grandma: Look! This is you. You are're with your mum and dad.

Ben: Yes, I am'm . They are're very happy.

Grandma: Do you know the nationalities of your parents?

Ben: I think, my dad is British and my mum is Russian.

Grandma: No. You are wrong. Your dad isn'tis not British. He is Polish.

Ben: Is this photo old?

Grandma: Yes, it is's .

The image is a derivative of "Young family with a baby boy at home, having fun" by halfpoint on Envato Elements.
Посмотрите на картинки и выберите правильные варианты ответов
Look at the pictures and choose the correct options

A: Is she a doctor?

B: Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

A: Are they friends?

B: Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

A: Is Mary at home?

B: Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

A: Are you married?

B: Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

A: Is he a superhero?

B: Yes, he is. No, he isn't.

A: Are you at school?

B: Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

The image 1 is a derivative of "Happy teacher", and the image 2 is a derivative of "College friends" by seventyfourimages on Envato Elements. The image 3 is a derivative of "A young girl in a grocery supermarket" by vlad_star on Envato Elements. The image 4 is a derivative of "Marry me", and the image 6 is a derivative of "Exam at school" by Pressmaster on Envato Elements. The image 5 is a derivative of "Superhero" by AboutImages on Envato Elements.
Заполните пропуски подходящей формой глагола to be
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be
  1. January is's the first month.
  2. The weather is's warm in spring.
  3. Look! They are're playing in the river.
  4. There are many flowers in May.
  5. I am'm going to the beach.
  6. Winter is the coldest season.
Заполните пропуски правильными формами глагола to be
Type am, is or are
  1. I am'm a teacher. My sister is's a doctor.
  2. My grandpa is's not rich.
  3. Kathy is's at school. Her sisters are at the sports centre.
  4. My friend and I are good swimmers.
  5. These pens are red.
  6. The weather is's nice. It is's sunny.
  7. This backpack is's heavy.
Выберите подходящую форму глагола 'to be'
Choose the correct form of the verb 'to be'
Rosa is Brazilian.
  1. You am is are Italian.
  2. They am is are from Spain.
  3. Mario and Rosa am is are from Italy.
  4. Kate and Bob's favourite sport am is are football.
  5. We am is are from America.
  6. I am is are Irish.
  7. He am is are from Argentina.
  8. Bob's favourite hobby am is are reading.
Выберите правильную форму глагола 'to be'
Choose the correct form of the verb 'to be'

Hi! I am is are Kyle and this am is are my sister, Serena. We am is are from America. I am is are 17 years old. My favourite hobby am is are reading and I am is are very good at painting. Basketball am is are my favourite sport and I am is are in the school basketball team. It am is are my dream to play for my favourite basketball team, the Boston Celtics. Serena am is are 15 and her favourite hobby am is are playing music. She am is are very good and it am is are her dream to become a famous singer, like Shakira or Beyonce. Serena and I am is are very good at sport.

Выберите правильные варианты (Choose the correct options)
  1. I 'm 'm not are an actress. I am a vet.
  2. Am Is Are he from Spain?

    — Yes, he isn't aren't is .

  3. Am Is Are they from Mexico?

    — Yes, they am is are .

  4. Mark is a farmer. He are is isn't a waiter.
  5. We are Spanish. We is aren't are Italian.
  6. Is Am Are she a doctor?

    — Yes, she am is are .

  7. I am from Portugal. I 'm 'm not isn't Spanish.
  8. Am Is Are he a pilot?

    — No, he are is isn't .

  9. They isn't aren't are twenty years old. They are twenty-two.
  10. Am Is Are you a teacher?

    — No, I am 'm not is .

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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