Упражнения: Now and then. Life in the past

Сейчас и потом. Жизнь в прошлом

I've googled some information about the history of IT, but I am not sure if I got everything right. Let's listen to the audio and get some extra data.

Listen to the audio about the development of IT devices and match each invention to the correct date

The development of computers is linked to Maths. It's possible to say that computers first started with the invention of the abacus in Babylonia (now Iraq) in the fourth century BC. Wilhelm Schickard, a German professor, built the first calculator in 1623, but it only worked with six numbers. The German Konrad Zuse made the first modern calculator in 1941. Colossus was a British computer which was used for breaking codes. It began working in 1943. The next step towards the modern computer was the Universal Automatic Computer, which was developed in 1951. It could store 12,000 numbers and letters. In the 1960s a typical minicomputer cost around $20,000. Not many people could buy a computer then: they were too expensive. Word processing was invented in 1968 by Doug Engelbart. The computer giant Microsoft began its life in the 1970s. By 1977, the computer company Apple was selling computers for $1,195. The IBM computer was released in 1981, and the Apple Macintosh was on sale in 1984. The computer program Microsoft Windows 1.0 was in the shops in 1985. By 1989, Microsoft's sales reached $1 billion.

dGhlIGFiYWN1cw== dGhlIDR0aCBjZW50dXJ5IEJD V2lsaGVsbSBTY2hpY2thcmQncyBjYWxjdWxhdG9y MTYyMw== S29ucmFkIFp1c2UncyBjYWxjdWxhdG9y MTk0MQ== dGhlIFVuaXZlcnNhbCBBdXRvbWF0aWMgQ29tcHV0ZXI= MTk1MQ== d29yZCBwcm9jZXNzaW5n MTk2OA== dGhlIElCTSBjb21wdXRlcg== MTk4MQ== dGhlIEFwcGxlIE1hY2ludG9zaA== MTk4NA== TWljcm9zb2Z0IFdpbmRvd3MgMS4w MTk4NQ== Photo 3 by inkong on Freepik, CC0
Listen to the audio and mark the sentences as True or False

The development of computers is linked to Maths. It's possible to say that computers first started with the invention of the abacus in Babylonia (now Iraq) in the fourth century BC. Wilhelm Schickard, a German professor, built the first calculator in 1623, but it only worked with six numbers. The German Konrad Zuse made the first modern calculator in 1941. Colossus was a British computer which was used for breaking codes. It began working in 1943. The next step towards the modern computer was the Universal Automatic Computer, which was developed in 1951. It could store 12,000 numbers and letters. In the 1960s a typical minicomputer cost around $20,000. Not many people could buy a computer then: they were too expensive. Word processing was invented in 1968 by Doug Engelbart. The computer giant Microsoft began its life in the 1970s. By 1977, the computer company Apple was selling computers for $1,195. The IBM computer was released in 1981, and the Apple Macintosh was on sale in 1984. The computer program Microsoft Windows 1.0 was in the shops in 1985. By 1989, Microsoft's sales reached $1 billion.

  1. We can say that computers first appeared in Babylonia. True False
  2. Wilhelm Schickard's calculator worked with 5 numbers. True False six numbers
  3. Colossus was a German computer which was used for breaking codes. True False British
  4. The Universal Automatic Computer could store 20,000 numbers and letters. True False 12,000
  5. In the 1960s a minicomputer cost around $20,000. True False
  6. The computer giant Microsoft began its life in the 1960s. True False the 1970s
  7. By 1977, the computer company Apple was selling computers for $1,195. True False
  8. By 1989, Microsoft's sales reached $1 million. True False $1 billion

Let's see what you know about IT. Read the questions and choose the right answers

What does WWW stand for?

The World Winning Web The World Wide Web The World Warn Web

When did WWW become publicly available?

In 1988 In 1991 In 1994

Which appeared first?

A floppy disc A USB stick A compact disc

What is dial-up internet access?

A form of internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network A form of internet access that uses the optic fibre technology to connect to a provider A form of internet access provided through communications satellites

What does IoT stand for?

Iteration of Technology Interaction of Teams Internet of Things

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