Упражнения: My home

Мой дом

Ella wants to tell you about her house.

Choose the correct options to complete the sentences

Paul and I live in a an small house. There is a an living room, a an kitchen, a an bedroom, and  a an bathroom. We have a an armchair and a an sofa in the living room. Paul also has a an computer there. My favourite room is our bedroom. There is a an big comfortable bed and a an wide window. Our kitchen is a an very nice room.  There is a an fridge, a an table and some chairs. I like my house a lot.

Put the words into the correct order I have a very good friend. Can you give me a pencil? We are going to watch a horror film. Ella is a nice woman. John wants to sell an old car. My husband is an engineer. The flowers are in a beautiful vase. I have a cat and a dog.

And now, as usual, complete the idioms in the short stories with the correct words.

Complete the sentences with the correct words wallblanketdoorduvetchairbucketarmchairdoormatrugbasketkitchen sink

My friend drove me up the last night! I had a party, and everyone just wanted to have a good time. But he was trying to spoil all the fun. I don't know why! He'd never been a wet before. Long story short, we had an argument, and I told him, "Never darken my again." I feel bad about it now.

I have a day today. I've got a fever, runny nose and a sore throat. That's very upsetting, especially since I have to a meeting tomorrow. I have no idea what to do because now I feel like I'm going to kick the by the end of the day.

The people I dislike most of all are critics. One of my colleagues is one of them. Instead of helping and showing an example, he only criticises others. I am a , and can't really answer back and protect myself from his toxic remarks. Recently, he's made a big mistake at work, but tried to sweep it under the . I hope he won't get away with it!

Photo 2 by WAYHOME studio on Shutterstock Photo 3 by Subbotina Anna on Shutterstock Photo 4 by Pavel_Bogdanov on Shutterstock

Complete the sentences with the correct words wallblanketdoorduvetchairbucketarmchairdoormatrugbasketkitchen sink

My friend drove me up the last night! I had a party, and everyone just wanted to have a good time. But he was trying to spoil all the fun. I don't know why! He'd never been a wet before. Long story short, we had an argument, and I told him, "Never darken my again." I feel bad about it now.

I have a day today. I've got a fever, runny nose and a sore throat. That's very upsetting, especially since I have to a meeting tomorrow. I have no idea what to do because now I feel like I'm going to kick the by the end of the day.

The people I dislike most of all are critics. One of my colleagues is one of them. Instead of helping and showing an example, he only criticises others. I am a , and can't really answer back and protect myself from his toxic remarks. Recently, he's made a big mistake at work, but tried to sweep it under the . I hope he won't get away with it!

Photo 2 by WAYHOME studio on Shutterstock Photo 3 by Subbotina Anna on Shutterstock Photo 4 by Pavel_Bogdanov on Shutterstock

Choose the correct words to complete the idioms and their definitions
  1. to get on like a house home on fire — to get on badly very well
  2. a house home truth — a(n) uncomfortable pleasant fact
  3. a house home of correction — a prison school
  4. to wear the pants in the house at home — to be untidy the boss in the family
  5. to hit house home — to reach a target fail
  6. money from house home — money that is gained easily very hard

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