Формы глагола throw
Основные формы глагола throw следующие:
- throw (бросать) – базовая форма (V1)
- threw (бросал) – прошедшее время (V2)
- thrown (брошенный) – причастие прошедшего времени (V3)
Производные формы глагола:
- throwing (бросающий) – причастие настоящего времени (V-ing)
- throws (бросает) – 3-е лицо единственного числа настоящего времени (V-s)

Таблица спряжения глагола throw во всех временах и лицах
Время | Утвердительная форма | Отрицательная форма | Вопросительная форма |
Present Simple | I throw, you throw, he/she/it throws, we/you/they throw | I do not throw, you do not throw, he/she/it does not throw, we/you/they do not throw | Do I throw?, Do you throw?, Does he/she/it throw?, Do we/you/they throw? |
Past Simple | I threw, you threw, he/she/it threw, we/you/they threw | I did not throw, you did not throw, he/she/it did not throw, we/you/they did not throw | Did I throw?, Did you throw?, Did he/she/it throw?, Did we/you/they throw? |
Future Simple | I will throw, you will throw, he/she/it will throw, we/you/they will throw | I will not throw, you will not throw, he/she/it will not throw, we/you/they will not throw | Will I throw?, Will you throw?, Will he/she/it throw?, Will we/you/they throw? |
Present Continuous | I am throwing, you are throwing, he/she/it is throwing, we/you/they are throwing | I am not throwing, you are not throwing, he/she/it is not throwing, we/you/they are not throwing | Am I throwing?, Are you throwing?, Is he/she/it throwing?, Are we/you/they throwing? |
Past Continuous | I was throwing, you were throwing, he/she/it was throwing, we/you/they were throwing | I was not throwing, you were not throwing, he/she/it was not throwing, we/you/they were not throwing | Was I throwing?, Were you throwing?, Was he/she/it throwing?, Were we/you/they throwing? |
Future Continuous | I will be throwing, you will be throwing, he/she/it will be throwing, we/you/they will be throwing | I will not be throwing, you will not be throwing, he/she/it will not be throwing, we/you/they will not be throwing | Will I be throwing?, Will you be throwing?, Will he/she/it be throwing?, Will we/you/they be throwing? |
Present Perfect | I have thrown, you have thrown, he/she/it has thrown, we/you/they have thrown | I have not thrown, you have not thrown, he/she/it has not thrown, we/you/they have not thrown | Have I thrown?, Have you thrown?, Has he/she/it thrown?, Have we/you/they thrown? |
Past Perfect | I had thrown, you had thrown, he/she/it had thrown, we/you/they had thrown | I had not thrown, you had not thrown, he/she/it had not thrown, we/you/they had not thrown | Had I thrown?, Had you thrown?, Had he/she/it thrown?, Had we/you/they thrown? |
Future Perfect | I will have thrown, you will have thrown, he/she/it will have thrown, we/you/they will have thrown | I will not have thrown, you will not have thrown, he/she/it will not have thrown, we/you/they will not have thrown | Will I have thrown?, Will you have thrown?, Will he/she/it have thrown?, Will we/you/they have thrown? |
Present Perfect Continuous | I have been throwing, you have been throwing, he/she/it has been throwing, we/you/they have been throwing | I have not been throwing, you have not been throwing, he/she/it has not been throwing, we/you/they have not been throwing | Have I been throwing?, Have you been throwing?, Has he/she/it been throwing?, Have we/you/they been throwing? |
Past Perfect Continuous | I had been throwing, you had been throwing, he/she/it had been throwing, we/you/they had been throwing | I had not been throwing, you had not been throwing, he/she/it had not been throwing, we/you/they had not been throwing | Had I been throwing?, Had you been throwing?, Had he/she/it been throwing?, Had we/you/they been throwing? |
Future Perfect Continuous | I will have been throwing, you will have been throwing, he/she/it will have been throwing, we/you/they will have been throwing | I will not have been throwing, you will not have been throwing, he/she/it will not have been throwing, we/you/they will not have been throwing | Will I have been throwing?, Will you have been throwing?, Will he/she/it have been throwing?, Will we/you/they have been throwing? |

Значения глагола throw
Основное значение глагола throw – бросать или метать. Дополнительные значения глагол приобретает в составе устойчивых выражений:
- throw a party (устроить вечеринку)
- throw one's voice (изменять голос)
- throw oneself into something (вложить все силы во что-то)
Фразовые глаголы с throw
С глаголом throw можно образовать ряд фразовых глаголов, таких как:
- throw away (выбросить): I need to throw away these old shoes. (Мне нужно выбросить эти старые туфли.)
- throw up (рвать, тошнить): The bad food made him throw up. (Его вырвало из-за плохой еды.)
- throw in (добавить,включить в состав): She decided to throw in a few more ingredients to improve the taste. (Она решила добавить еще несколько ингредиентов, чтобы улучшить вкус.)
- throw together (сделать на скорую руку, импровизировать): I just threw together a quick lunch. (Я просто быстро приготовил обед.)
Идиоматические выражения с глаголом throw
В английском языке существует множество идиоматических выражений с глаголом throw, например:
- throw in the towel (сдаться, признать поражение): After losing the third match, he decided to throw in the towel. (После проигрыша в третьем матче он решил сдаться.)
- throw caution to the wind (бросить все на ветер, рисковать): She threw caution to the wind and quit her job to travel the world. (Она бросила все на ветер и уволилась с работы, чтобы объехать мир.)
Примеры употребления глагола throw в предложениях
Различные значения и контексты использования глагола throw:
- John threw the ball to his dog. (Джон кинул мяч своей собаке.)
- They are going to throw a surprise party for Sarah. (Они собираются устроить сюрприз-вечеринку для Сары.)
- Don't throw stones at the birds. (Не кидай камни в птиц.)
Примеры употребления фразовых глаголов и идиоматических выражений:
- She threw away the letter without reading it. (Она выбросила письмо, не прочитав его.)
- When I saw the exam questions, I felt like throwing up. (Когда я увидел вопросы на экзамене, меня пробило на рвоту.)
- After many unsuccessful attempts, he threw in the towel. (После многочисленных неудачных попыток он сдался.)
Проверьте, знаете ли вы топ-100 английских глаголов
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