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Does it seem impossible to you to significantly improve your level of English in just six months?
Does it seem too much to believe that lessons could be personalized around you and your interests?
And is it ridiculous to think that learning English can actually be fun?
If not, then let’s see how I can help you. As a CELTA accredited teacher I have been teaching students from all over the world, especially Russia, for over four years now. During this time I’ve come to know a lot about the country, her people, culture, traditions, history, and so on, so enabling me to deliver interesting and engaging lessons to my students. So what are you waiting for - book a lesson with me and let's see how together we can take forward your English learning journey?
Меня зовут Иван. На данный момент я оканчиваю университет по направлению «Преподаватель английского и...
Магистр политологии, окончил бакалавриат по специальности Международные отношения с большим упором на изучение английского и...
Дипломированный преподаватель, магистр филологических наук. 20 лет в профессии, которую люблю! Обладаю сертификатом TOEFL.