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My name is Vesna and I am an English teacher.
I have taught students in elementary and highschools for over 25 years. I also taught children, adolescents and adults in private language schools. My first online ESL teaching experiance was with iTutor Group, where I have learned a wonderful way of teaching on the platform and experienced having a virtual classroom with students. That is such an unforgettable experience. In order to convey knowledge with better skills and results, I use communication skills and different methods: verbal, nonverbal, and visual, which involve speaking, writing, imagery, body language, and the organization of ideas into understandable structures.
Through years of my practice, I learned that in order to be a good tacher, I must be an expert in communication skills, have superior listening skills, deep knowledge and passion for the subject matter, the ability to build caring relationships with students and friendly approach. Excellent preparation and organization skills are of great importance as well as strong work ethics. I have passion for teaching and that affects students as well, so their output is amazing. It makes me very happy when I see progress in my student`s knowledge, and then I know we both made a long, patient way to that success. I am always happy to help my students achieve their goals. So, let`s learn English together!
Лингвист-переводчик, окончила университет в 2022 году. Также имею профессиональную переподготовку по специальности преподавателя иностранных языков...
Начала преподавать в 2022 году в языковом центре. Вела занятия с детьми и взрослыми. В...
Дипломированный преподаватель, филолог, переводчик английского языка, окончила факультет романо-германской филологии в 2011 году. Проходила стажировку...