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My name is David Reynders. Aged 25. Living in South Africa. As a student, I've always had an interest in language and art, especially their relationship in music. After high school, I attended the Academy of Sound Engineering where I also began to give music lessons to friends and younger students who were still in grade school. In 2014, I travelled through South Africa to Cape Town, where I taught English for a few months at a private school for teenagers and continued to give my music lessons. Becoming a teacher was a natural decision for me, as I have many friends who have been teaching online for some time and it was them who finally convinced me to take my skills to the online platform as well! I like to keep my lessons active and colorful, using all 5 senses in different ways to promote better learning. I enjoy using music where possible or singing when the time is right!
I am a writer, a performer, and a composer. In my spare time I am playing in a rock band around the country. To all future students: I hope to inspire the gift of English inside of you, giving you the ability to find meaning in the language and all of it's art. I hope that we may meet as friends one day.
Дипломированный преподаватель английского языка, окончила с отличием педагогический университет. Проходила стажировки в США, Великобритании и...
Линвист , окончила педагогический ВУЗ с отличием . Присуждена квалификация - лингвист , преподаватель английского...
Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья!
Меня зовут Юлия, и я занимаюсь преподаванием английского языка уже...