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Hello, I’m Kayte! (Pronounced ‘Kate’.)
I’m from London, England and have been a teacher since 2000. I have a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in England and Wales.
I have a particular interest in helping students secure the job of their dreams and can help you with every aspect of this, from writing/rewriting your CV (resume) and cover letter, to practising for English interviews. I'm delighted to say that many of my students now work for prestigious international companies, including some of the biggest in the world.
I am highly experienced at teaching Business English – I gained an advanced TEFL qualification in this area in 2019 — and teach students from sectors including IT, communications, law, finance, sales, science and education.
Pronunciation is another specialism of mine, I’ve adapted elements of the British Phonics system to help students focus on the sounds of English, and speak clearly and confidently.
Whatever your language and life goals, I would love to hear about them. I aim to make you feel comfortable, supported and encouraged throughout the learning process. I believe a classroom should be an inspiring place, but one where it’s ok to make mistakes. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Дипломированный юрист, окончила университет в 2016 г. и параллельно работала в частной школе преподавателем английского....
Окончила лингвистический университет, второй диплом преподавателя (профессиональной переподготовки). Полгода жила в Европе и училась в...
Лингвист, окончила государственный университет, по специализации филология (германские языки и литература, упор на английский и...