Эксперт в курсах На каждый день, Изучение английского языка для общих целей, Для руководителей и менеджеров
Научит не бояться ни артиклей, ни герундия, ни косвенной речи
Не сомневается в ваших способностях, а развивает их
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I first learned to read and write in English before Spanish. The reason being that my dad got a
scholarship from LSU to get his Master’s there. So he took the whole family: mom, my sister
and me to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I was 4 years old when he arrived. We lived there for 2
years. I had my first schooling experience there: Kinder and the first year of Elementary.
When we returned to Mexico they enrolled me in the American School (where half the classes
were in English, the other in Spanish). I have never left the language. I got my Proficiency,I’ve
taught English for many years, and both read and speak in English as naturally as in Spanish.
I’m a native speaker in both languages!
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Native speakers — преподаватели, для которых английский язык является родным