Упражнения: Verb 'can'

Глагол can

Correct the mistakes in the questions. If a sentence is correct, press Enter
  1. Can you play any musical instruments?
  2. Would you like to be able to play the piano?
  3. What have you always wanted to be able to do?
  4. Could you read at the age of five?
  5. What couldcouldn'tcould not you do as a child that you can'tcannotcan do now?
  6. What couldn'tcould notcould you do in the past that you cancan'tcannot do well now?
  7. What will you be able to do after graduating?
  8. What could you do at the age of three?

It's time to practise modal verbs of ability.

Choose the correct options to complete the sentences
  1. Can you read this for me? I can't couldn't see without my contact lenses.
  2. Unlike my brother, I've never could been able to speak English well.
  3. After 2 years in Spain, I can could speak Spanish quite fluently now.
  4. Could he Did he can drive a car when he was 20?
  5. When I was a child, I used to be able to can stand on my head.
  6. Do you can Can you work in graphics software?
  7. Mary, will you be able to will you can help me tomorrow?
  8. How long could you have you been able to ride a motorbike?
Complete the sentences with the given options haven't been ablecancouldn'twon't be ablecan'tcouldwill be ablebe able to
  1. I to concentrate on my studies recently. I don't know what it is.
  2. My sister cook very well. She is a chef in an Italian restaurant.
  3. My younger brother Sam speak well until the age of five. Guess what, now he is a radio host.
  4. I have to get ready for an important exam tomorrow night, so I to come to the party. I'm very sorry.
  5. This smartphone is terrible. I hear you at all.
  6. My grandfather was one of the best musicians of his time in the city. He play the piano like a professional.
  7. I hope that I to speak English very well after this course finishes.
  8. I'd like to drive, but I'm afraid of getting in a  car accident. I don't know how to overcome my fear.
Correct the grammar mistakes in the sentences
  1. Could you talk to your dentist about tooth decay?
  2. After his doctor's recommendations, James wasn't allowed to eat shrimps because of his allergy.
  3. My mother told me I could start my volleyball training again.
  4. I was allowed to take part in the championship after an X-ray had proved that my leg wasn't broken.
  5. She didn't need to drinkdidn't have to drinkneedn't have drunk those pills as it turned out it was a mental problem.
  6. We should have gone to the psychologist to take care of your mental health.
  7. When I was at university, I could sleep four hours a day and I felt great.

Choose the best meaning of can and could

I can run like a jaguar.

Expressing present or general abilities Expressing decisions made now about future possibility Expressing ability in the past Expressing imagined abilities in the present or future

If only he could speak Chinese.

Expressing present or general abilities Expressing decisions made now about future possibility Expressing ability in the past Expressing imagined abilities in the present or future

If you feel pain in the abdomen, you can call the ambulance.

Expressing present or general abilities Expressing decisions made now about future possibility Expressing ability in the past Expressing imagined abilities in the present or future

When I was in my teens, I couldn't stay out late.

Expressing present or general abilities Expressing decisions made now about future possibility Expressing ability in the past Expressing imagined abilities in the present or future

If the right treatment wasn't only available abroad, I could already be healthy.

Expressing present or general abilities Expressing decisions made now about future possibility Expressing ability in the past Expressing imagined abilities in the present or future

When it comes to a healthy diet, you can replace salt with spices using a variety of flavours.

Expressing present or general abilities Expressing decisions made now about future possibility Expressing ability in the past Expressing imagined abilities in the present or future
Use can, could, be able to to complete the sentences
  1. The best source for compensating for fluid is water. You can use tap or mineral water, sparkling or non-sparkling, plain or flavoured.
  2. You would be able to lose some weight if you controlled your physical activity.
  3. When we lived in the countryside, we could eat fresh vegetables from our garden.
  4. If you wear new shoes, you can have blisters on your toes.
  5. What could happen if you ate spoiled food?
  6. I'll be able to find out what's wrong with my health after I've got the results of a medical check-up.
  7. I couldn'tcould not go to work because I was bedridden for two weeks due to muscular weakness.

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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