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Тест по теме Present Simple или Present Continuous в английском языке

Тест по теме Present Simple или Present Continuous в английском языке

Знание английского языка считается сегодня одним из ключевых навыков. Один из важнейших моментов в его изучении — это глагольные времена. В частности, Present Simple и Present Continuous. Эти два времени используются для описания действий в настоящем времени, но их использование имеет свои особенности. Понимание и различение этих времен поможет вам грамотно строить предложения и правильно передавать свои мысли.

Тест на уровень английского
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Тест на уровень английского

Выберите правильную категорию для каждого слова (Choose the correct category for each word) always usually never every Sunday at weekends every day often hardly ever now right now at the moment today Present Simple Present Continuous Image by Maridav on Shutterstock

Выберите правильные варианты (Choose the correct options)
  1. I eat out am eating out with my friends every Saturday.
  2. She always 's reading reads a lot.
  3. They don't prepare aren't preparing for the exam right now.
  4. He is walking walks the dog at the moment.
  5. We don't take aren't taking a taxi often.
Image by Dean Drobot on Shutterstock

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски (Read the text and fill in the gaps)

Jonathan is my brother. He is interesting, active and very friendly. He always gets up early and walks his dog. Then he goes to university. He usually walks on foot there. He doesn't takedoes not take a bus or a taxi. Jonathan is very smart. He is preparing's preparing for a very important exam now.

Image by mimagephotography on Shutterstock

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски (Read the text and fill in the gaps)

But at the weekend Jonathan always goes out with his friends. They usually eat out and watch films together. But today Jonathan isn't going is not going out. He 's staying is staying home. He is studying 's studying and reading books.

Image by Rohappy on Shutterstock

Исправьте ошибки. Нажмите «Enter», если предложение правильное (Сorrect the mistakes. Press «Enter» if the sentence is correct)
  1. We always go out at weekends.
  2. I watch films every Sunday.
  3. He is watching videos on his phone at the moment.He's watching videos on his phone at the moment.
  4. I am not preparing for the exam right now.I'm not preparing for the exam right now.
  5. They always cook together.
Image by Ollyy on Shutterstock

Выберите правильные ответы (Choose the correct options)
  1. He walk walks is walking on foot to work every morning.
  2. I prepare preparing am preparing for the exam right now.
  3. They go goes are going out every weekend.
  4. We don't eat not eat aren't eating out very often.
  5. Mary always take takes is taking a taxi to the city center.
Image by Ollyy on Shutterstock

Используйте правильную форму глаголов (Present Simple и Present Continuous) (Use the correct forms of the verbs (Present Simple and Present Continuous))
  1. I never go out on Mondays.
  2. Julie eats out every evening.
  3. She is eating's eating out with her friend now.
  4. He doesn't walkdoes not walk his dog every morning.
Images 1–7 by Roman Samborskyi, Zoriana Zaitseva, Jacob Lund, Artush, Andrew Angelov, George Rudy and didesign021 on Shutterstock

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски (Read the text and fill in the gaps)

My name is Susan. I live with my boyfriend Matt and our dog Skippy. I walk Skippy every morning, and Matt usually walks him in the evenings. It's 9 o'clock in the evening, so Matt is walking 's walking Skippy right now. I am preparing 'm preparing for the exam at the moment.

Image by Roman Samborskyi on Shutterstock

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски (Read the text and fill in the gaps)

After the walk, we usually cook a dinner together. We often watch films or videos after dinner. But today Matt and I are eating out 're eating out .

Image by Roman Samborskyi on Shutterstock

Исправьте ошибки. Нажмите «Enter», если предложение правильное (Сorrect the mistakes. Press «Enter» if the sentence is correct)
  1. He walks the dog every day.
  2. I'm not reading now.I am not reading now.
  3. He's eating out with his friends right now.He is eating out with his friends right now.
  4. Are you reading a book now?
  5. What do you usually do at weekends?
Image by Roman Samborskyi on Shutterstock

Выберите правильные ответы (Choose the correct options)
  1. She never take doesn't take takes a bus.
  2. Jimmy cook cooks is cooking dinner at the moment.
  3. Do you walk walks walking your dog every day?
  4. I walk walks am walking the dog today. 
  5. Are you read reads reading a book now?
Image by Prostock-studio on Shutterstock

Используйте правильную форму глаголов (Present Simple и Present Continuous) (Use the correct forms of the verbs (Present Simple and Present Continuous))
  1. They usually cook dinner together.
  2. We are reading're reading the same books at the moment.
  3. Does she usually take a taxi?
  4. They aren't walkingare not walking're not walking on foot now, they are taking're taking a taxi.
Image by Dean Drobot on Shutterstock

Выберите правильные ответы (Choose the correct options)
  1. A really strong wind blows is blowing today.
  2. I eat out am eating out every weekend.
  3. Kate doesn't like isn't liking the rain.
  4. Jack doesn't wear isn't wearing sunglasses at the moment because the weather isn't sunny.
Image by ViDI Studio on Shutterstock

Переведите предложения (Translate the sentences)
  1. Дождь не идет в данный момент.

    It isn't raining at the momentIt is not raining at the momentIt's not raining at the moment .

  2. Он смотрит на облака сейчас?

    Is he looking at the clouds nowIs he looking at clouds now ?

  3. Солнце всегда светит?

    Does the sun always shine? .

  4. Мне не нравится сильный ветер.

    I don't like strong windI do not like strong windI don't like the strong windI do not like the strong windI don't like a strong windI do not like a strong windI don't like strong windsI do not like strong winds .

Image by Kues on Shutterstock

Закончите предложения (Complete the sentences)
  1. The weather is terrible today! It is rainingIt's raining .
  2. You don't seeYou do not see a lot of snow in my city in the winter.
  3. Can you hear this sound? A very strong wind is blowingwind's blowing now.
  4. This month is so cold! I am dreamingI'm dreaming about warm sunny days!
Image by Veles Studio on Shutterstock

Введение в тему Present Simple и Present Continuous

Общее понимание Present Simple

Present Simple - это настоящее простое время, используемое для описания общих истин, повторяющихся действий или ситуаций, которые не изменяются. Например, "I work every day" (Я работаю каждый день) или "The sun rises in the east" (Солнце встает на востоке). Как видите, действия, которые мы описываем с помощью Present Simple, обычно не связаны с конкретным моментом времени.

Общее понимание Present Continuous

Present Continuous, в отличие от Present Simple, используется для описания действий, происходящих прямо сейчас, или для планируемых в ближайшем будущем событий. Например, "I am reading a book now" (Я сейчас читаю книгу) или "We are traveling to Spain next week" (Мы едем в Испанию на следующей неделе).

Существенным вопросом в изучении этих времен является применение их в речи. По этой причине мы предлагаем вам пройти тест по теме Present Simple и Present Continuous. Тест содержит следующие задания:

  1. Выбор правильного времени глагола в предложении.
  2. Перевод предложений с использованием Present Simple или Present Continuous.
  3. Составление собственных предложений с использованием этих времен.

Пройдя тест, вы сможете оценить свои знания и улучшить понимание этих важнейших времен английского языка.

Отличия между Present Simple и Present Continuous

В английском языке, Present Simple и Present Continuous являются двумя самыми основными временами, которые часто вызывают путаницу у обучающихся. Хотя оба эти времена используются для описания настоящего времени, они имеют различные особенности и применяются в разных контекстах. Знание различий между Present Simple и Present Continuous является важным элементом при подготовке к тесту по английскому языку.

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