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I have been teaching English as a second language for over a year. I taught all ages from kindergarten and university to adults. I have a bachelor's degree in human physiology and love everything related to the science of man.
I love to write and explore our human condition through the expression of words such as poetry and scriptwriting. I spend time reading, hiking, watching TV shows and travelling. I lived in China for the past year and had the opportunity to immerse myself in culture and learn a little mandarin.
Based on my personal experience learning a new language, I believe that I can better understand and help you achieve your goals in learning English. I serve all my classes to meet the needs of my students and make it exciting, sharing my experiences.
Меня зовут Даниил. Я окончил музыкально-эстетический педагогический колледж по направлению «иностранные языки». Преподаю с 2012...
Меня зовут Тамара. Я дипломированный специалист, также у меня была полугодовая языковая практика английского языка...
Меня зовут Эльза. В раннем возрасте я впервые услышала английский по телевизору и поставила...