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My name is Arzu. I have a BA degree in communication, an MA degree in Translation and a PhD degree in English language and philology. I have been teaching English for more than 20 years. I decided to become a teacher of English because I’ve always loved the language since I started learning it at a very young age and I would like my students to enjoy the learning process as much as I did. So far, I have taught English at Greek and Turkish universities, in private language courses and online to students in various European countries such as Switzerland, Italy and Germany. In my lessons, I focus on a specific topic and try to include a variety of exercises to keep it interesting and engaging. I love learning languages myself and when I’m not teaching English, I like to brush up on my Greek language skills.
Reading, translating, watching films, taking photographs and taking walks in nature are my other favorite pastimes.
I think of learning English like climbing a mountain: you cannot get to the top in a single day but reach your target only by taking small steps patiently, without giving up. I would like to help and guide you in every step of your path to achieving your goals regarding English and look forward to learning together.
Преподаватель английского языка, окончил ВУЗ по специализации английский и немецкий языки. Есть диплом педагога-логопеда.
Меня зовут Ольга, окончила университет по специальности «филология», работала в школе с детьми 5-10 классов....
Меня зовут Малика. Английский язык — моя страсть и моя профессия с 2019 года....