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I'm James. I am from New York, U.S.A, I've been teaching students from around the world for over 15 years now. I have a very good idea about the best way for you to learn English. I'm sure I can help you improve your English conversation skills dramatically. I generally begin with the end in mind and think about what I want students to know or be able to do. Then I design the rest of the unit so my assessments and instruction will help me and my students reach that goal.
I know teachers are role models! A role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. A role model is someone we admire and someone we aspire to be like. We learn through them, through their commitment to excellence and through their ability to make us realize our own personal growth. We look to them for advice and guidance. A role model can be anybody: a parent, a sibling, a friend but some of our most influential and life-changing role models are teachers.
I hope to hear from you soon!
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