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Hello there! I am an experienced TESOL Certified English teacher with a passion for developing students' language skills and fostering a love for self-expression.
I've got 3 years of experience as a teacher, both online and offline. I have got two degrees in International Relations and North American Economic Studies. My teaching method is consistent, which allows a student to speak and express oneself not through sanctions, but through incentives and motivation. I also believe that any competent teacher must constantly work on improving and maintaining their level of professionalism.
Take the opportunity to improve your English skills with me. Together we will unleash your potential for self-expression and navigate the exciting world of language, building both your confidence and understanding for effective communication.
Получила высшее педагогическое образование в государственном университете по специальности иностранная филология. Неоднократно проходила курсы повышения...
Меня зовут Элина. Преподаю с 2011 года. Я окончила гуманитарный педагогический университет по специальности «Учитель...
Меня зовут Юлия. Я из Санкт-Петербурга. С 2018 года я поменяла свою жизнь, став преподавателем...