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I have a bachelor’s degree in supply chain and operations management, and I am a British citizen. I also have a 150-hour TEFL certificate. All my studies have been done online, so I can relate very well to distance learning and the challenges and benefits that come with it. I can also speak a language called Afrikaans, which is my second language, so I can also understand what it is like to learn a second language. I decided to become an online teacher because I really enjoy watching my students grow and learn. It is also very interesting for me to interact with and learn about different cultures.
I have been teaching English for the last few years, mostly to Chinese, Russian, and Japanese students.
Привет, я дипломированный преподаватель. Преподаю с 2009 года.
Очень люблю свою профессию,и стараюсь проявлять к каждому...
Privet! My name is Louise and I am very excited to be your teacher. I...
Дипломированный лингвист. Много лет занималась на курсах с носителями английского языка из разных стран, благодаря...