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I am a teacher of English and a classical pianist. I am very fond of the UK and I have lived in Newcastle and Chichester.
I have been teaching English since 2010 and I have prepared many students for several certificate exams. I wish to convey the most realistic version of English to my students and I try to give them a taste of the culture and style of Britain.
In my free time, I like going to the theater and to music performances and on trips to the countryside.
Лингвист, окончила государственный университет в 2010 году по специальности "Перевод и переводоведение". Начала преподавать английский...
Окончила федеральный университет, факультет лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации (бакалавриат), получила степень магистра в области аудиовизуального...
I taught English in the United States at a language school that helped new immigrants...