Поможет путешествовать во времени – из Past во Future и обратно
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My name is James. In college, I have studied Political Science and also took up English as a second course. However, I did not pursue my first course as I wanted to try a different career.
I have been a teacher for almost fifteen years now, thirteen of which was in an ESL academy.
I started out teaching general English Korean students. Eventually, I taught TOEIC, IELTS and TOEFL to the students from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China and Vietnam. I have also tutored Filipino nurses taking up IELTS during my spare time.
To unwind, I watch fantasy, sci-fi or horror movies. I also read articles or do crossword puzzles and play video games. When doing small tasks, I listen to podcasts about current events, criminal cases or stories from around the globe.
If you find my story compelling and want to talk about the same interests, consider me as your teacher and it would be my pleasure to know you!
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Поможет путешествовать во времени – из Past во Future и обратно
Дипломированный преподаватель и переводчик английского языка, окончила педагогический университет. Занимаюсь изучением и совершенствованием английского языка...