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I’m a certified English teacher with over 5 years of experience. I believe that everybody has a personal way of learning my personal desire is to find your way so you can learn English in a personal creative environment, study don’t have to be boring. I love learning new experiences and skills, that’s why I’m keen on learning about different cultures and never stop improving my teaching skills. Right now, I’m getting a bachelor degree in the United States Institute of Language and Clerical Studies. I’ve got experience with students from preschool and elderly students; all ages, specially, whom are more susceptible to fear speaking in public. Today is the perfect day to start (or to continue) your journey to the world, the key: English.
Мой уровень B2-C1. Преподаю с 2019, слушаю и читаю английский каждый день с 18 лет....
Жаннур - дипломированный филолог, окончила факультет иностранных языков Карагандинского государственного университета со степенью магистра. Во...
Выпускник Уфимского Университета Науки и Технологий (в прошлом назывался УГАТУ) и профильной лигвистической гимназии.
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