Упражнения: Technology and our modern world

Технологии и современный мир

Revise the vocabulary on new technologies.

Match the words with their synonyms YWNoaWV2ZW1lbnQ= c3VjY2Vzcw== YXBwbGljYXRpb24= dXNl ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQ= YWR2YW5jZW1lbnQ= ZXhwZXJpZW5jZQ== cHJhY3RpY2U= YXBwcm9hY2g= bWV0aG9k

Match the phrases with the pictures

to share the screen a mute button to get cut off sound issues Photo 1 by standret on Freepik, CC0 Photo 2 by m.a.u on Freepik, CC0 Photo 3 by eyesartist on Freepik, CC0 Photo 4 by 8photo on Freepik, CC0

Read the text and choose a subheading for each paragraph

Before reading the article, study the following words and their definitions:


  • the dark web — the part of the World Wide Web that is only accessible by means of special software, allowing users and website operators to remain anonymous or untraceable
  • a leak — the origin of secret information that becomes known, or the act of making it known
  • to expose — to uncover or allow to be seen
  • ransom — a large amount of money that is demanded in exchange for someone or something
  • to infiltrate — to secretly join an organization or enter a place in order to find out secret information about it or harm it
  • to halt — to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening
Before reading

Cyber threats

There are many types of cyber threats that can attack your devices and networks, but they generally fall into three categories. The categories are attacks on confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

  • Attacks on availability integrity confidentiality . These include stealing your personal identifying information and your bank account or credit card information. Many attackers will take your information and sell it on the part of the World Wide Web that is only accessible by means of special software, allowing users and website operators to remain anonymous or untraceablethe dark web for others to purchase and use.
  • Attacks on availability integrity confidentiality . These attacks consist of personal or enterprise sabotage and are often called the origin of secret information that becomes known, or the act of making it knownleaks. A cybercriminal will access and release sensitive information for the purpose of to uncover or allow to be seenexposing the data and influencing the public to lose trust in that organization.
  • Attacks on availability integrity confidentiality . The aim of this type of cyberattacks is to block users from accessing their own data until they pay a fee or a large amount of money that is demanded in exchange for someone or somethingransom. Typically, a cybercriminal will to secretly join an organization or enter a place in order to find out secret information about it or harm itinfiltrate your network and block you from accessing important data, demanding that you pay a ransom. Companies sometimes pay the ransom and fix the cyber vulnerability afterward so that they can avoid to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happeninghalting business activities.


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Спасибо за бесплатные задания. Кажется, у меня наконец получилось разобраться, в чем разница между прошедшими временами. Мучился с этой темой еще со школы.
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  • Это бесплатные упражнения?

    Да, все упражнения в этом разделе бесплатны.
  • Как выполнять упражнения?

    В этом разделе мы собрали интерактивные задания с разными механиками выполнения, поэтому ориентируйтесь на инструкции, которые приведены в начале каждого упражнения.
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    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.
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    Да, в этом разделе вы найдете задания для всех уровней английского языка, от начинающего до продвинутого.
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