Упражнения: Conditionals

Условные предложения

Put the verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences
  1. If you buy this stylish pen, you 'll bewill be the coolest student.
  2. You 'll enjoywill enjoy high quality of the music if you use these earphones.
  3. If you carry your books in this bag, you 'll feelwill feel very comfortable.
  4. If you eat this sandwich, you 'll bewill be really, really happy.
  5. Your tea will taste better if you drink it from this cup.

Complete the questions with the correct verb forms
  1. What would you do if you suddenly won half a million pounds?
  2. What would you do if you saw an alien?
  3. How would your life change if you were an opposite sex?
  4. How would you feel if the Queen of Great Britain kissed you?
  5. How would your life change if you could read people's thoughts?
  6. What would you do if you became the President of your country?

Complete the text using the third conditional

If the Soviets hadn't enteredhad not entered the Space Race, the exploration of space would have beenwould've been slower. If Sputnik's mission hadn't beenhad not been successful, the space program would have slowed downwould've slowed down . If China hadn't launchedhad not launched its own space station, only the USA and Russia would have remainedwould've remained in that race. Some people say that if the US government hadn't spenthad not spent so much money on space, they would have solvedwould've solved'd have solved other problems on Earth. Others point out that if they hadn't exploredhad not explored space, they wouldn't have achievedwould not have achieved success in other areas.

Choose the correct options
  1. — I hear you lost that new mobile phone you'd bought.
  2. — Yes, it was stolen. I feel really disappointed now — I'd still own the mobile phone and all my photos on it if I hadn't left didn't leave it at the bus stop.

  3. — Mum, can I watch a film on my laptop?
  4. — Yes, go on. What would you have done do at the weekend if they hadn't invented the Internet?

  5. — Why are you here? I thought Rita said that you'd gone to London?
  6. — Well, no. If I gone had gone to London, I wouldn't be here now, would I?

  7. — I've just bought a new laptop.
  8. — But I've already got one.

    — No, if I already had one, I wouldn't have bought buy another one, would I?

  9. — Kira said that his sister was very laid-back.
  10. — Lana, laid-back? No, if that was true, I didn't marry wouldn't have married her all those years ago!

  11. — Do you have any regrets about getting married so young?
  12. — Definitely not! If we didn't get hadn't got married when we were young, we couldn't spend have spent time with all our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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