Упражнения: My city/town

Мой город

Order the words to make phrases



Excuse me, how to get to the museum?


You should take a metro.



Where can I get good shoes?


There is a big mall near my house.



Welcome to the famous city of New York.


Thank you very much.



When does the pharmacy close?


It closes at 9 pm.



Excuse me, where is a hospital?


It is near the coffee shop.



What should I do if I feel bad?


You should go to hospital.

Choose the correct kind of transport for each problem you can have with this transport

Traffic jams The driver doesn't accept credit cards Dangerous to use at nights in some cities A lot of people in peak hours Doesn't look businesslike It doesn't usually work at nights Long stops between stations You have to wait for long to get the next one You can't use it at night in some cities Taxi Metro Train

Complete the definitions with the missing words and phrases

an Oyster cardto squeezeto win a bet

— a card you can pay with for transport in London

— to press something firmly

— to win some money by saying what you think will happen (in a game or a race)


Photo 1 by jcstudio on Freepik, CC0

Photo 2 by jeshoots on Freepik, CC0

Photo 3 by freeograph on Freepik, CC0

Listen to the audio again and mark the sentences as True or False

We had 3 bags of clothes, 4 hours of flight, 1 hour of delay, 0 hours of sleep, 3 tired persons, a pick-up company that didn't come to pick us up at the airport. We discussed other options, such as car rental, car sharing, taxi, train, shuttle bus, the famous London Underground. Virginia said that car rental is not a good idea because of parking problems, Jordan insisted on taking a taxi because "it's a status thing." We argued and argued until each of us chose a different kind of transport. The person who arrived to the centre of London last would buy drinks for others at dinner.

My choice was the metro (Londoners call it "the Tube"). Piccadilly line takes you straight from Heathrow airport to Central London in just 1 hour. I found my way to the station following directions at the airport, bought a single ticket from a ticket machine and thought, "Next time I'm in London, I'll buy an Oyster card at last." I needed to change lines. I was somewhere near the centre when I fell asleep. I woke up because a crowd squeezed me in the corner of my seat. I was facing a Hello Kitty suitcase. I missed my transfer station 25 minutes ago. And I lost my bet.

  1. Jordan forgot to call the pick-up company. True False
  2. Virginia wanted to use a car rental service. True False
  3. Jordan chose taxi because it looks business-like. True False
  4. All chose different transport. True False
  5. The person who arrived last would pay for the dinner. True False
  6. Ed got lost in the Tube. True False


12 апреля 2023
Учусь в Skyeng уже полгода, в последнее время стала довольно быстро расправляться с домашками, так что раздел с бесплатными заданиями очень помогает не скучать между уроками. Занимаюсь английским практически каждый день.
01 мая 2023
Спасибо за бесплатные задания. Кажется, у меня наконец получилось разобраться, в чем разница между прошедшими временами. Мучился с этой темой еще со школы.
15 апреля 2023
Удобно, что можно делать упражнения с телефона, помогает скоротать время в дороге, да еще и с пользой.

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    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.
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