Упражнения: Healthy body and mind

Здоровое тело и разум

Label the pictures a bone to faint blood to be ill a shoulder legs a hand a headache danger an ambulance to be injured homeless

Choose the correct category for each word or phrase a hand a leg a nose a shoulder a minor accident to bleed to break a bone to call an ambulance a disease to faint to have a splitting headache to be ill to be injured a virus to be a drug addict to get robbed to be homeless to lose one's job Body parts Health issues Social problems

You can ask your students some extra questions given below.

  • When was the last time you had a minor accident? How did you get injured?
  • Have you ever fainted? When? Why? What should we do if we see someone faint?
  • What do you usually do when you have a splitting headache?
  • How can we help a person who has lost their job?
  • In what sport is there a high risk of breaking a bone?
  • How can a person become homeless?
Choose the card and do the task
  • Encourage the students to practise describing a health/social problem and guessing it.
  • If you don't want to use the wheel, you can use the cards in the Teacher's book (Worksheet print, Unit 6, Lesson 2, Ex. 9a.)
  • A volunteer student spins the wheel and gets a situation.
  • The student should make up three sentences to describe the problem without using the underlined words (if you use the cards) or the words in capital letters (if you use the wheel).
  • The other students ask general questions trying to guess the problem described.
Read the rules and play the game


Student 1

  1. Spin the wheel and get a situation with a health or social problem.
  2. Describe this health/social problem.
  3. Don't use the words in your explanation which are IN CAPITALS.
  4. Make up 3 sentences to describe a problem.
  5. Start with "A friend of mine + (a problem)"
  6. The other students suggest guesses using "Yes/No" questions:
    1. Did she/he… ?
    2. Was she/he … ?
    3. Has she/he … ?
    4. Does she/he…?
    5. Is she/he… ?

Situation: ( My friend is ILL. )

Student 1:

A friend of mine feels bad.

He/She has a high temperature.

Also, he/she has a headache.

I'm in class with my groupmates
Read the instruction and do the task


  1. Choose four different situations from the list.
  2. Describe this health/social problem.
  3. Don't use the words in your explanation which are in bold.
  4. Make up 3 sentences to describe a problem.
  5. Start with "A friend of mine + (a problem)"
  6. Write your sentences in the text area below.

Situation: ( My friend is ill. )

Your sentences:

A friend of mine feels bad.

He has a high temperature.

Also, he has a headache.

The situations:

My friend is ill. My friend has broken a bone. My friend fainted yesterday. My friend got robbed last week. My friend was homeless 5 years ago. My friend has a splitting headache. My friend's brother is a drug addict. My friend lost his job 2 days ago.
I'm taking the lesson alone

Choose the correct category for each word or phrase a hand a leg a nose a shoulder a minor accident to bleed to break a bone to call an ambulance a disease to faint to have a splitting headache to be ill to be injured a virus to be a drug addict to get robbed to be homeless to lose one's job Body parts Health issues Social problems

The best way to restore your power after a hard day is to have a good sleep. However, little do we know how to define if a person is sleep-deprived.

Let's check if you sleep well enough.

Before we do the test, let's learn some vocabulary.

Match the words and phrases with the definitions dG8gc2xlZXAgbGlrZSBhIGxvZw== dG8gc2xlZXAgdmVyeSBkZWVwbHk= YSBjYXRuYXA= dG8gaGF2ZSBhIHNob3J0IHNsZWVwIGR1cmluZyBhIGRheQ== bm90IHRvIHNsZWVwIGEgd2luaw== bm90IHRvIHNsZWVwIGF0IGFsbA== dG8gYmUgcmVhZHkgdG8gZHJvcA== dG8gYmUgZXh0cmVtZWx5IHRpcmVkLCBhYm91dCB0byBzbGVlcA== dG8gYnVybiB0aGUgY2FuZGxlIGF0IGJvdGggZW5kcw== dG8gd2FrZSB1cCBlYXJseSBhbmQgZ28gdG8gc2xlZXAgbGF0ZSBiZWNhdXNlIHlvdSB3b3JrIGhhcmQ= dG8gYmUgZnVsbCBvZiBiZWFucw== dG8gYmUgZW5lcmdldGljIGFuZCBsaXZlbHk= Photo 2 by wirestock on Freepik, CC0
Choose the answer that describes you best

Do you need more sleep?

How often do you tend to burn the candle at both ends?

A. Never ever. B. Once or twice a month. C. Every week.

When you come back from work, how do you feel?

A. Energetic and ready to meet my friends. B. A little bit tired, but I'm ready to do some domestic chores. C. As soon as I'm home, I'm ready to drop.

How often do you have a catnap?

A. From time to time if I haven't slept enough at night. B. Only at the weekend, when I have some time. C. Never. At the weekend I need to cook for the week and clean my flat.

If you don't sleep a wink, what will you do?

A. I will take a day off. B. I will have a catnap. C. It happens pretty often. I will sleep like a log the next day.

How do you usually feel in the morning?

A. Full of beans. B. Fully concentrated, but not at my best. C. I can hardly keep my eyes open.


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    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.
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