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I’ve spent many years working in psychology, life coaching, start-ups and various business, medical & financial fields; but over the past 6 years I’ve spent traveling, I have been happiest teaching. It’s changed my life! As a native speaker, I understand that learning English will give my students the ability to advance further in their lives and businesses, and I’m happy to be part of such an important experience. I take time to get to know my student’s dreams, goals and needs to serve them as a coach and teacher. I always teach with unconditional patience and respect, honoring the time, commitment and willingness of my students; their success gives me the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment! I’m excited to be part of this educational experience for you!
Лингвист, окончила государственный университет, по специализации филология (германские языки и литература, упор на английский и...
Дипломированный преподаватель английского языка, закончила Донецкий Национальный Университет.
Преподаю английский язык с 2017 года. Имею...
Меня зовут Инна. Английский — это моё самое увлекательное путешествие в мир нового и...