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от 3247 ₽ за урок
  • Сертификат TEFL/TESOL
  • Эксперт в курсах Разговорный английский язык, Подготовка к IELTS, Job Interview
  • Найдет о чем поболтать за ланчем или чашечкой five o'clock tea
  • 26 лет
  • 59 довольных
  • 2710 уроков
    в Skyeng
  • 4.8 из 5 рейтинг
    среди учеников



О себе

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Hello, my name is Tracey. I was born and educated in England, United Kingdom. I have been training for over 20 years. I have taught everyone from young children (5-12 years), teenagers (13-18 years) and adults.

I have run numerous businesses and thoroughly enjoy developing people with skills that will improve their career opportunities, especially their communication skills.

I have 3 children currently studying Law, Medicine and Business at university. With having my own children plus teaching children across a variety of ages I understand the importance that everyone learns differently.

I studied French and German while at school in the United Kingdom so fully understand how difficult it can be learning a new language if the lesson is dreary and unexciting. It isn’t just about learning English vocabulary it is learning to think in English. I can certainly teach you how to think in English and enjoy the experience.

Knowing a student’s goals, whatever their age, is important to me. Seeing people achieve gives me great pleasure.

I have travelled extensively in Europe and Africa so have a lot of interesting stories to share. I really enjoy meeting new people and learning about new cultures so look forward to meeting you and being part of your English Journey.

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Hello, my name is Tracey. I was born and educated in England, United Kingdom. I have been training for over 20 years. I have taught everyone from young children (5-12 years), teenagers (13-18 years) and adults.

I have run numerous businesses and thoroughly enjoy developing people with skills that will improve their career opportunities, especially their communication skills.

I have 3 children currently studying Law, Medicine and Business at university. With having my own children plus teaching children across a variety of ages I understand the importance that everyone learns differently.

I studied French and German while at school in the United Kingdom so fully understand how difficult it can be learning a new language if the lesson is dreary and unexciting. It isn’t just about learning English vocabulary it is learning to think in English. I can certainly teach you how to think in English and enjoy the experience.

Knowing a student’s goals, whatever their age, is important to me. Seeing people achieve gives me great pleasure.

I have travelled extensively in Europe and Africa so have a lot of interesting stories to share. I really enjoy meeting new people and learning about new cultures so look forward to meeting you and being part of your English Journey.


Job Interview
New Business English
New General
Для бизнеса
Для подростков
Для путешествий
Изучение английского языка для общих целей
Подготовка к IELTS
Подготовка к TOEFL
Разговорный английский язык


🍽Еда и кулинария
👪Семья и отношения

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  • Определим уровень английского

Он позволит вам освоиться. Первая часть проходит индивидуально — можно «пощупать» платформу и пройти небольшой тест, определить уровень и подобрать программу. После к вам подключится методист, чтобы ответить на все вопросы, рассказать о процессе обучения и помочь сформировать расписание.

Нет, можете познакомиться в любой удобный для вас момент.

Абсолютно ничего, кроме телефона, компьютера или любого другого устройства, у которого есть микрофон, камера и доступ в интернет.

Ничего страшного, бывает! У учеников есть возможность отменить занятие за 8 часов до назначенного времени без потери оплаты. Так вы сможете переназначить его на удобное время, а у преподавателя останется возможность скорректировать расписание.

Программы обучения максимально гибкие — можно заниматься где и когда угодно, в удобном для вас темпе. Мы подберем учителя и график, а также в любое время сможем изменить расписание, сделать перерыв или помочь скорректировать программу.

Длительность ознакомительной встречи — 30 минут, все остальные занятия (после оплаты) длятся 50 минут.

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