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My name is Mariano Alfonso and I'm 31 years old. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. It's been more than 20 years since I study the English language. My parents decided that I should learn English when I was about 8 years old and I've loved it ever since. I love teaching, I consider education an essential instrument to inspire others.
To whoever has the chance to take a class with me, I assure you I'm a very friendly and humble individual who loves his students, and I will do everything in my ability to help you achieve your goals.
During my free time, I enjoy playing football, cooking, playing with my dog, or reading books.
Окончила Пятигорский Государственный Лингвистический Университет в 2009 году, затем стажировалась, жила и работала переводчиком в...
Лингвист, окончил государственный технический университет, направление "Перевод с английского и жестового русского языков". В начале...
Юлия - преподаватель английского языка и литературы по специальности "Филология", окончила Якутский Государственный Университет им....